A lot of them have fans, which can be annoying. The "Geek Squad" brand over at Best Buy has nice specs and at least from several years ago, had figured out how to do the deed with no noisy fan. In any case you may need to plan for the amps on your circuit that the UPS will take up, and get enough of a UPS unit to support the draw that your various devices use.


On 11/26/13, 3:17 PM, Joshua Thorp wrote:

pricy but worth it.

I had been so spoiled after years of using laptops as my primary computer, that when I went back to a desktop machine I had no idea just how quick you can lose everything. An uninterruptible power supply gives you a chance to put things away in an orderly manner.


On Nov 26, 2013, at 2:56 PM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com <mailto:gil.densm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Winter is here. Snow is as well. Nothing new. Why is it then santa fes pipelines dont salt the roads. Keep heat and power going? Today ive had the power crash at least 5 times. This does nothing but harm to my computer. It fs up work im doing.
Is there a doodad l can get to elimiminate those issues?

Asking here since friamers probably know more about options than I do.

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