This is becoming a shark feeding frenzy of Media demanding that I believe 
different versions of the demented beliefs.
Which ever outlet I side with demands I become a believer. I am not Normal to 
begin with, otherwise I MIGHT actually take up arms and shoot at a target they 
suggest. Should I take a Gravol to control the vertigo as they spin me around, 
aiming at phantoms.

Hollande is strutting about like a shrunken , down sized de Gaulle after he 
nearly lost France to a Troop of Disgruntled Foreign Legionnaires
from Algeria.

al Jazeera wants me to believe that there is a war against all Muslims. CBC 
wants me to believe that the Muslims are about to attack the country.
Wait we are in a deep freeze and any Arab set upon conquering Canada must 
contend with unimaginable Arctic Cold and if they want to rob a gas station on 
the way they will probably freeze to death in the dark. Hollande wants us to 
believe he is the reincarnation of de Gaulle or Vercingetorix. Kerry wants me 
to believe he speaks French. Putin probably wants me to believe he is Vladimir 
Monomahk the slayer of Turks.

These  tough-guys are not so crazy as the Media. They have remained silent for 
now. One Canadian media outlet is attacking our National Outlet , CBC, as 
cowards , yes they used the word correctly,
who refused to show the Charlie Hebdo images on air( they were Blacked -Out). 
Maybe Oprah Winfry can get them to confess on prime time T.V.
A Montreal journalist ,  has bared his chest ( but no soul was to be seen) and 
declared that CBC ordered him to self-censor out of fear.
What a show.
Actually the Russian media is being rather discreet, what a shock. No one has 
the wherewithal to post the price of oil or the disposition of ISIL
and the Saudi invasions.

I will snicker from my warm hovel in this cold blast.
I am waiting for the much feared promised global warming to arrive. 
Just where is Al Gore now that I want to believe in his delusions? If I pick 
one belief  will the others stop pestering me?
No I guess it is more like an attack of Blackflies or mosquitoes.
Perhaps Glen is correct  "Beliefs don't kill people. People kill people"
I might add "Believers have the right to  kill non-believers".

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of glen
Sent: January-08-15 7:24 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Slasdhot linked article RE; god

On 01/08/2015 03:49 PM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
> Or that they are mentally ill and need `retraining'.  But that takes 
> us down the road of recognizing the danger latent in faith, which I 
> don't think the US is close to doing.

Exactly ... though it goes beyond just faith to any sort of psychological 
problem, I think.  E.g. It's fine if you're deluded into believing, say, the 
"law of attraction" 
<> as long as 
you don't do things like rely on it to heal your children or somesuch.

Beliefs don't kill people.  People kill people. ;-)

⇔ glen

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