I just recently got more of a proper bank account with BofA after a
'misshap'  with a cashcard. Keeping it relevant to Friam I think family has
some umm mmm concerns about data security, and...ok so what they really
would like to know for using the apps to make deposits by check. is How
likely is it for things to go sideways and suddenly deets from the check,
everyone that might cares knows.  I suggested to them: we aren't *that
* important.
someone like Poodlesec, or lolPHPsec isn't going to find me interesting
enough to bother. If or when they  turn a places electric security into the
consistency of /dev/null or worse. We're so screwed by then anyway.
Short of that: what's been folks experience? are they reasonable secure?
Personally I'd think i'd be more likely to run into problems from fat
fingering something. Than a check going poof, but that'd still suck.
-. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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