On 09/10/16 09:47, oldk1331 wrote:
I would like to add some comments for subSylvesterMatrix,
I'd prefer add a reference to the book which this algorithm
is based on, like "-- Page 20, Definition 1.4.2, Symbolic
Integration Transcendental Functions, second edition",
instead of repeating the contents of the book, like
"-- remove rows from xxx to xxx, except for row xxx".


I don't know much about the subject but, in general terms, I think it is better if anyone can contribute to FriCAS without having access to a technical library.

Perhaps it is not the purpose of comments to teach the underlying mathematics, only how it is implemented, I would think its generally better if that could be done without requiring a specific book which may go out of print.

Widening out the scope beyond your question. When I am browsing code the aspect where I would generally like improvement to comments and documentation is: a fuller specification of the expected parameters and outputs of a function and a higher level overview of what it does as opposed to its internal workings which might be deduced from the code.

Also an explanation of the type parameters. Is it obvious what types are required here?

BezoutMatrix(R, UP, M, Row, Col) : Exports == Implementation where
  R    : Ring
  UP   : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
  Row  : FiniteLinearAggregate R
  Col  : FiniteLinearAggregate R
  M    : MatrixCategory(R, Row, Col)

Perhaps I am thinking about this from the point of view of a potential user who is not an expert in the subject and perhaps your question is more about what is required by an expert in the subject who is modifying the code?

Martin B

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