On 5/2/24 13:20, Qian Yun wrote:
In book section 6.19, the Pascal's triangle is not displayed.

It seems that "output" function displays stuff that are not
enclosed by ioHook.

Ralf, are you aware of this issue, and any ideas to fix it?

Yes, this problem is know. And as far as I remember, I cannot easily do something about it except including a verbatim environment that displays the output or writing just a warning that the output can currently not be generated.

Below you find the respective part that is written to ug06.spool.
I designed everyting in such a way that the stuff that is without
"-- " at the beginning of the line and not enclosed into a
\begin{TeXOutput}...\end{TeXOutput} or
\begin{MessageOutput} ... \end{MessageOutput}
is simply not copied into the respective .tex file.

The reason for this is mainly that this removes the actual commands from that already appear inside

-- \begin{spadsrc}
-- for i in 1..7 repeat displayRow i
-- \end{spadsrc}

but are additionally output by FriCAS again into the .spool file.

If you find a way to turn off this additional copy of the input into the output, perhaps that could make a difference.

Another solution might be to add some ioHook to the "output" function.
I haven't actually looked into that.

A third solution would be to invent a special marker for the \spadcommand use it just for this Pascal's triangle example.

I guess, the easiest solution is to add

                                        1 1
                                       1 2 1
                                      1 3 3 1
                                     1 4 6 4 1
                                   1 5 10 10 5 1
                                 1 6 15 20 15 6 1

at the right place.
Strange, I just see that there is
-- \begin{MessageOutput}
                                                        Type: Void
-- \end{MessageOutput}
but that doesn't appear in the book. Hmmm... I have to look up how I sometimes remove the "Type: " stuff and sometimes not.


-- \begin{xtc}
-- \begin{xtccomment}
-- Look at the result.
-- \end{xtccomment}
-- \begin{spadsrc}
-- for i in 1..7 repeat displayRow i
-- \end{spadsrc}
for i in 1..7 repeat displayRow i

-- \begin{MessageOutput}
   Compiling function pascal with type (Integer, Integer) ->
-- \end{MessageOutput}
-- \begin{MessageOutput}
   Compiling function pascalRow with type PositiveInteger -> List(
-- \end{MessageOutput}
-- \begin{MessageOutput}
   Compiling function displayRow with type PositiveInteger -> Void
-- \end{MessageOutput}
                                        1 1
                                       1 2 1
                                      1 3 3 1
                                     1 4 6 4 1
                                   1 5 10 10 5 1
                                 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
-- \begin{MessageOutput}

Type: Void
-- \end{MessageOutput}
-- \end{xtc}

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