To add to this, the jlId method is normally called with a class
reference as argument:
#<JLREF  zzModRingElem 864811387508848656 {100304E3B3}>

And not (|NemoIntegerMod|) so the generated code seems totally wrong.

Le sam. 4 mai 2024 à 06:43, Grégory Vanuxem <> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have found 'devaluate' in some Spad files and it can be handy. Some
> domains are parameterized and it is not possible, or at least I don't
> know how to do it, to use ' is ' instead of ' has ' (Domain vs.
> Category) for them:
> if R is Foo then
>     new(n) == bar(n)
> else
>    new...
> it is not possible to use:
> if Foo(p) then
> Or like #1 in "SubDomain(Integer, #1 >= 0)" used for NonNegativeInteger?
> I don't know how. So I use 'devaluate' and a 'has' after the 'is', in
> fact '=' here, see the string below, to let me gather information
> about the domain, size(), precision() etc. (the parameters) via the
> exported operations of the parent category. Think of ZMOD in a
> container as an example.
> But, this is not my question, sometimes using 'devaluate' breaks
> completely the code after, it's still compilable but not executable.
> Any ideas why?
> R is a Ring.
> ===== spad ===============
>         NRing :String := string CAR((devaluate(R)$Lisp))$Lisp
>         Rep := SExpression
>         pprint := true
>         getind(m)  ==> concat(["getindex(", "refs,_"", jlId m, "_")"])
> =====
> And later, the above macro is incorrectly treated (jlId is defined in
> a category, and call the JLREFID *method*):
>    >> System error:
>    There is no applicable method for the generic function
> when called with arguments
>   (|NemoIntegerMod|).
> See also:
>   The ANSI Standard, Section 7.6.6
> A work around is:
> ================================================
>         NRing := CAR((devaluate(R)$Lisp))$Lisp pretend String
>         --NRing :String := string CAR((devaluate(R)$Lisp))$Lisp
>         Rep := SExpression
>         pprint := true
>         getind(m)  ==> concat(["getindex(", "refs,_"", jlId m, "_")"])
> ================================================
> And all becomes right... I have already encountered this issue before
> but never found where it came from, now, yes!
> And even a workaround. Before, I think it was adding some code between
> the 'devaluate' and the macro that did the job.
> - Greg

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