Don't be put off from attending this Sunday's platform if you were one of the few people who didn't attend Fritz's well-attended talk last Sunday. I will provide copies of extracts from Fritz's talk as a starting point for our investigation of what it means to live a passionate life. Platforms and activities for the rest of November are shown below as is a link to the AEU's November Ethical Action Report. Members should have received the Autumn 2007 AEU Dialogue in the mail recently. If you haven't please let me know.
Stephen Meskin

Nov 11: *"The Good Life: A Passionate Life Continued"* An interactive program facilitated by Stephen Meskin We more fully explore what it means to lead a passionate life and how we can accomplish this. Share examples of lives lived with passion and techniques for doing so ourselves. Discuss related questions, such as whether a passionate life is something that can only be accomplished by those whose basic needs have been met.

Stephen Meskin is a member of the BES Board, an Ethical Humanist Officiant, and a Mathematician. He is a graduate of the Humanist Institute and attended the AEU Lay Leadership Summer School in 2006

Nov 18: "*Empathy, Imagination, and Ethical Development*"Bob Berson, Leader, Northern Westchester E.S. Dr. Berson will discuss Empathy as it appears in the human species, how it develops in the human individual, and whether it is a natural or learned part of being human. He will discuss the role that Imagination plays in the development of Empathy and the role of both in Ethical growth. He will address what impedes or even defeats Empathy and Ethical living and also what fosters them.

Robert Berson, EdD, PhD, is Leader of the Ethical Society of Northern Westchester and a clinical psychologist in private practice in Manhattan, a graduate of the Riverdale Yonkers Sunday School as well as of the Fieldstone School. He is Dean of the National Leader's Council of the American Ethical Union.

Nov 25: *"Global Warming is Hot"*Stephen Meskin, Ph.D.
Global warming is the hot new buzz word. With Gore sharing the Nobel Prize for his work, politicians are starting to talk about it; newspapers, magazines, and TV shows are tripping over each other to tell the story. Global warming has become a cultural phenomenon. The general consensus is that it is really happening and human activity is the cause. Some communities and individuals are starting to take action. Finally an environmental issue has captured the world's attention. What should we do? What could we do? What will we do? What are the ethical implications of action?

   Other November 2007 Activities

Sun Nov 18, 9:30 am *Poetry Group*: Bring poems that move you or that you have written to share and discuss. Each meeting we look at poems that loosely relate to a specific topic. Topics are announced by Karla ahead of time via e-mail. To be added to her e-mail list, write her at poet at BaltimoreEthicalSociety dot org.

Sun Nov 25, 12:30 pm *Newcomers' Meeting*: New to the Society and interested in learning more? Thinking about joining? Come to the Newcomers' Meeting, held following the last platform of every month, and learn more about Ethical Culture and about our Society---its history, its philosophy, and its organization. Meetings last about one hour and are hosted by members of the Society, sometimes including Fritz Williams, our professional Leader.

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