As you recover from T-day and B-Friday, you can visit the Baltimore Ethical Society tomorrow (Sunday) at 10:30 am. Last week we had a presentation on the politics of _Health Care Reform_; this week it will be about the ethics. See more info below.

Also this Sunday you can find out more about us at a _Newcomers' Meeting_. Learn more about Ethical Culture and about our Society---its history, its philosophy, and its organization. Meetings last about one hour. You are welcome whether you are interested in joining or just exploring. Attendance is recommended before becoming a member.

For parents, our _Sunday School_ has had multiple visitors on recent Sunday mornings; your child may find it exciting.

We have some very interesting platforms coming up in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for the _December BESpeak _, our newsletter, for details.

"*The Principles of Health Care Reform*" by John Nugent CEO and President, Md. Planned Parenthood & BES member

The crisis in health care has been treated as a purely economic or political problem, when, at the root, the crisis in health care is a moral crisis that requires us to grapple with the ethical implications of our health care policies and practices. The health care discussions have a moral dimension and the principles that ought to drive a resolution are moral principles. This talk will examine the ethical principles upon which our health care system should be based.

*John Nugent* was the CEO of a Hospice program prior to joining Planned Parenthood in 1997. He holds an MA in ethics from San Francisco Theological Seminary and a BA in philosophy and has been an adjunct college philosophy instructor. He was co-chair of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Bioethics task force and served on the National Hospice Organization's ethics committee. John is active in the Board of the Washington Area Secular Humanists. He is a graduate of the Leadership Baltimore and Leadership Maryland programs and is currently part of the Weinberg Fellows program. John is a certified Humanist Celebrant/Officiant through the American Humanist Association.

*S**tephen Meskin*

"The trouble with news is that it gives us the impression we know something, whereas the real news is that our ignorance is so vast as to make each of us dangerous." Djelloul Marbrook

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