The weather report says no snow tomorrow morning, so come to BES, hear what is expected to be a landmark talk by our part-time Leader, Hugh Taft-Morales, and stay warm and dry.

"*Ethical Culture as More Than a Religion*" by Hugh Taft-Morales, Ethical Culture Leader-in-Training

A confirmed secularist for most of his life, Hugh Taft-Morales now calls Ethical Culture his religion. He does so, however, while simultaneously advocating that Ethical Culture is more than a religion. The genius of Felix Adler, founder of the movement, was in placing ethical commitment to the worth of all people above any religious or philosophical characteristics. While Ethical Culture has a humanist religious hearth that offers warm inspiration to many, those not "religiously minded" need not gather round the fire. In ethical relationships and deed -- independent of any religious claim - is where Ethical Culture lives.

*Hugh Taft-Morale*s is an Ethical Culture Leaders in Training assigned to BES. He lives in Takoma Park, Maryland". He taught philosophy and history in high school for twenty-five years, graduated from Yale College in 1979, earned a Masters in Philosophy in 1986 from University of Kent in England. Hugh just received a certificate in Humanist Leadership from the Humanist Institute in May of 2009.

We will also have activities before and after Hugh speaks for those who want to stay out of the rain. *Mindfulness Meditation* at 9:30 am and *Adler Study Group *at 12:30 pm. See Page 7 of /BESpeak/.

You should have recently received the December /BESpeak/ in the mail or an email message with the following link to it. .We are using the email link rather than emailing it directly so as not to overburden the in-boxes of those without broadband access. And we are sending it by email rather than regular mail to conserve the Society's resources. All the program information is also available at our web site However, if you wish to receive a hard copy of /BESpeak /by regular mail, please contact us to make the needed arrangements.

*S**tephen Meskin*

"The trouble with news is that it gives us the impression we know something, whereas the real news is that our ignorance is so vast as to make each of us dangerous." Djelloul Marbrook

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