As was communicated previously, the Paris2 IBX had a cooling outage
yesterday evening.  Specifically, multiple chillers that support the
second floor failed, and the standby chiller system did not start in
time to absorb the load.  This impacted temperatures on the second floor
and had indirect effect on the ground floor as well.  The specific
causes of the failures are still under investigation but there appear to
have been component/subsystem failures in at least two of the three
primary chiller systems supporting the second floor.  At this time, we
can not say definitively whether the failures were related or not.  From
the time that the failure was identified, the on-site team has focused
on regaining temperature control of the IBX.  Equinix engineers and
supplier support personnel were dispatched to the site last evening and
continue to work on the systems.  As communicated, the full site
returned to target temperature early this morning using a combination of
some primary capacity and the standby system (which subsequently


While returning to target temperature this morning was important, we
were well aware that the system would be stressed again during the day
and have been working to get the failed systems repaired and to
undertake other interim steps to avoid a recurrence.  At this point, one
of the failed systems has been partially repaired and is providing some
cooling supply.  Work is continuing on the other units and additional
engineers are en route to the site to diagnose and repair the units.
Because the site is operating with less than full operating
infrastructure, on-site engineers are closely monitoring key cooling
equipment and the UPS units.  In addition, we are using a number of
tactics to maximize the performance of the cooling equipment that is


We will provide a further update as more information becomes available.
We deeply regret this incident and are working to correct it.


Michel Brignano

General Manager

Equinix France


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