
Ca y est, le RIPE a annoncé officiellement la fin de la disponibilité
sur leur pool IPv4. On est désormais sur le mode "waiting liste" pour
avoir un /24.

Today, at 15:35 UTC+1 on 25 November 2019, we made our final /22 IPv4
allocation from the last remaining addresses in our available pool. We
have now run out of IPv4 addresses.

Our announcement will not come as a surprise for network operators -
IPv4 run-out has long been anticipated and planned for by the RIPE
community. In fact, it is due to the community's responsible
stewardship of these resources that we have been able to provide many
thousands of new networks in our service region with /22 allocations
after we reached our last /8 in 2012.

Va falloir préparer les euros, et s'attendre à la masse de transfert
entre LIRs, et à une montée du nombre de /24 dans la DFZ.

Les prochains mois vont être intéressants à observer...

Stay tuned !

Clément Cavadore

Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

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