On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Huan Truong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Hi all,
 >  As the summer break is drawing near and I think I will have some spare
 >  weeks sitting at home so I decided to learn to program in linux,
 >  specifically how to (1) create a GNOME GTK application

 The API of Qt really is a lot cleaner I would urge you to try it out
 first. :) Qt apps look and work fine in Gnome after all.
 The following has some suggestions on how to:
 The tutorials being a good place to start.

 There are bindings for Python, Ruby and Java if you don't want to
 tackle C++ right away. Though you say you want native stuff, so I'd
 say Qt/C++ is really the best solution (having dabbled a bit in
 Gtk/Glib/C code... it's objectively scary

 > (2) pack it
 >  for some architectures for debian (amd64 and i386) and (3) put it with
 >  some other required packages on a repo.

 For this, Ubuntu has a whole system of training folks:

 >  I think (2) and (3) will not be very difficult to learn but do you
 >  have any suggestion on which sources should I learn from?
 >  About (1) I have to admit I have no past experience on developing on
 >  linux so I'm totally a newbie. I want to learn something that I can
 >  control the most, not some IDE / WYSWYG stuff... and also something
 >  that creates native applications, not the Python thing.
 >  Thanks in advance,
 >  - Huan.

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