On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:45 AM, Alexander Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to encrypt a subset of the content stored on my laptop.
> What are other FSCKers doing to protect their data from crackers? I
> imagine there is a way to store data in an encrypted fashion but still
> use these files/folders in daily activities. I don't want the
> encryption to be a complicated process that inhibits the normal use of
> my applications. It should only allow me to add another level of
> security.
> Thanks so much for you insights.

I use encfs for encrypting a directory in home (but not all of home).
It's a FUSE thing. Pretty straightforward. I only unencrypt it when I
want to work with the encrypted directory. This is nice since the
easiest way to get around encrypted files is to steal the laptop when
it's still on and the files decrypted.

I just looked it up, it uses OpenSSL... guess I should re-encrypt
everything since I think I created it with Kubuntu (perhaps too early
to be affected though).


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