I've been running KDE 4 since KDE 4.0, and it _has_ gotten much better with 4.2.
I just switched to Gnome, however, because I got tired of having a
networkmanager applet that didn't remember my vpn password had didn't change
its graphic to show when I was on the VPN. Seems minor, but I'm enjoying
_those_ little things that are just working in Gnome with Ubuntu.  The
performance of compiz also still seems to be superior to Kwin.  That's a nice
bonus for switching.  Plus, I just like the brown.

Of course, when I switched to Gnome, I had to hunt around for the hard ways to
change all the things about it I didn't like--all the things that they didn't
put into the configuration menus. I really like the gnome-main-menu package as
a menu replacement, and I had to figure out where it's configuration files
were in order to customize it, since it didn't offer any options.  In the old
days, KDE made configuration easier, but now it's more of a toss-up.  I think
my big complaint about KDE 4.x is all the miscenaneous functionality that many
programs seem to have lost in the switch.  For example, editing of JPEG
comments in Gwenview, the networkmanager problems, aspects of the behavior of
Konsole that are no longer configurable. 

Not trying to start any sort of argument, but I just find it interesting to
watch how the software progresses.  I'm sure I'll switch back to KDE 
at some point again.


On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 10:48:39PM -0600, Huan Truong wrote:
> I am so delighted to realize that at last there exists a desktop environment 
> that can make me feel working on a unified and integrated environment, but 
> not 
> on a bunch of small unrelated pieces putting together (I'm talking about 
> GNOME). I have to say I'm annoyed by GNOME, due to the fact that each program 
> has its own ways of displaying, they can't even agree on how to display 
> Yes/No/Quit dialog, on some program the "Yes" button is on the left, on some 
> other the "Yes" button is on the right and it *is* frustrating to me.
> Enough with GNOME rant. I think with 4.2.0 they got it right. Programs rarely 
> crash (they still do), bluetooth is implemented, the taskbar works, and I 
> have 
> a real desktop, not a lame "dashboard" with a "folder view" aka the desktop 
> folder. Fonts rendering is so pleased to the eyes, ways better than which is 
> in Windows XP and Vista and even MacOS. The only missing piece is 
> performance, 
> but I think I can live with it (and yes, I'm using Intel GMA so don't blame 
> proprietary drivers, in fact, nVidia driver works better in this case.)
> Now KDE, please give up KHTML and go with WebKit, and I will be sold.
> For your viewing pleasure:
> http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/4756/kde420e.png
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Scott Thatcher
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Truman State University

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