Received this email through the Tubes this morning. Are there any bridges we can target with the SketchUp contest? In the KC or St. Louis area? Or how about some understatement and hit something on the Katy Trail or the railway bridge over Normal Street south of Franklin? Or the Hwy 63 overpass in La Plata?

SketchUp is a beautiful piece of software, and I'd be happy to share with some people what little I know about it. The talent of FSCK could easily and quickly surpass my abilities, though.

An entry in the contest would do FSCK and the area some good, no matter the target.


P.S.  Yes, I am baiting the NSA with the first paragraph of this email.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Google SketchUp" <sketchupcontest.bou...@sketchup.com>
Date: April 13, 2009 9:10:43 AM CDT
To: <mill...@truman.edu>
Subject: Enter the 2009 Google SketchUp Student Bridge Modeling Competition
Reply-To: sketchupcontest.bou...@sketchup.com

Dear Educational SketchUp User,

Are you in awe of the engineering that goes into designing a bridge? Do you have a favorite local, famous, or historical bridge you'd like to see in Google Earth? The Google SketchUp 2009 International Student Bridge Modeling Competition is under way! Now you have a chance to show off your modeling skills by entering the competition anytime before June 15, 2009.

Model your bridge in Google SketchUp, geo-reference it in Google Earth, and submit the bridge by uploading to the Google 3D Warehouse to earn eternal online glory and, if you win, a handsome prize. You can enter this competition if you're a student at a higher education institution almost anywhere in the world. Take a look at this 3D Warehouse collection to get inspired, and good luck!

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