I'm good every night.

By the way, I would like to discuss about mirroring oOo and stuff like that -- 
TEXLive, Fx, Chrome, Notepad++, VLC,... and construct some automated page that 
lists and provide on-campus mirrored links for those apps -- ideally integrated 
to the right sidebar of the FSCK page :-). 

That would be great, instead of having an occasionally outdated Windows/Mac 
free software page.

I have previously mentioned this with Dr. Don but I think it would be nice to 
have an open coversation about that.

- Huan.

On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 06:12:42PM -0500, Travis Pope wrote:
> Hello FSCK!
> I would like to know what times people would be available for our first
> meeting next week! Let me know when you have open spots, and we'll decide
> from there.
> Code Free,
> Travis.

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