On Tuesday 28 September 2010, V. Sasi Kumar wrote:
   |On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 18:25 +0530, Nagarjuna G wrote:
   |> I certainly think the post would need a [OT] tag.
   |Yes, I admitted that probably I should have put an [OT] tag. That was
   |actually an oversight. Sorry for that. I was sending it to several lists
   |where I didn't have to say [OT].
   |> Software freedom is a freedom sufficiently well defined and has clear
   |> boundaries.
   |Agreed. But when it is an appeal for something that concerns every
   |citizen of the country, how can such things be banned from a list?
   |Moreover, it was not even an attempt to discuss anything. It was just a
   |call to sign a petition. Let me also ask, If someone wants blood of a
   |rare group, can I post it here (marked OT, of course)? Or is such things
   |also to be put only in a list for that purpose?


probably he wants a list where you can only post:

freedom 0) freedom to use in bla bla
freedom 1) zzzzzz
freedom 2) xxxxx
freedom 3) xxxxxxxxxccvcv

we need this kind of lists exactly to free people like this.
it is good to start discussions about what means freedom

we are in the good way




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