Yes Sai, that is EXACTLY what I would like to do
I think the OP wants to have a way to kill any active sessions in the
FTP server. I'm assuming he would have a GUI where he can see the
active sessions, and select one or more sessions and disconnect them.
Is this what you want Frank?

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Niklas Gustavsson<>  wrote:
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 6:49 PM, frank buloup<>  wrote:
Yes ok, but it works during a connection event, No ?
How could I do if I want to disconnect a user after its connection has been
effective ?
Ftplets allow you to do this on connection events as well as before
and after commands. Is that sufficient? If not, what would trigger the



Frank Buloup

04 91 17 22 71

Institut des Sciences du Mouvement

UMR 6233 CNRS & Université de le Méditerranée

163 avenue de Luminy

13288 Marseille Cedex 9

Fax : 04 91 17 22 52

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