I am testing ftpserver and I am not able to connect via sftp protocol.
I am using
All is fine with
lftp -d  -p 2121  ftp://localhost
lftp localhost:~> user admin
lftp admin@localhost:~> ls
---- Connecting to localhost ( port 2121
<--- 220 Service ready for new user.
---> FEAT
<--- 530 Access denied.
<--- 234 Command AUTH okay; starting TLS connection.
---> USER admin
**** gnutls_handshake: The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).
---- Closing control socket
---- Connecting to localhost ( port 2121
<--- 220 Service ready for new user.
---> FEAT
<--- 530 Access denied.
---> USER admin
<--- 331 User name okay, need password for admin.
<--- 230 User logged in, proceed.
---> FEAT
<--- 211-Extensions supported
<---  SIZE
<---  MDTM
<---  LANG en;zh-tw;ja;is
<---  MLST Size;Modify;Type;Perm
<---  AUTH SSL
<---  AUTH TLS
<---  MODE Z
<---  UTF8
<---  TVFS
<---  MD5
<---  MMD5
<---  MFMT
<--- 211 End
---> PWD
<--- 257 "/" is current directory.
---> LANG
<--- 200 Command LANG okay.
<--- 200 Command OPTS okay.
---> OPTS MLST Size;Modify;Type;Perm
<--- 200 Command OPTS okay.
---> PORT 127,0,0,1,215,0
<--- 200 Command PORT okay.
---> LIST
<--- 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
---- Accepted data connection from ( port 38550
---- Got EOF on data connection
---- Closing data socket
-rw-------   1 user group           28 Jun 25  2011 README.txt
<--- 226 Closing data connection.

but no success with sftp

lftp -d  -p 2121  sftp://localhost
lftp localhost:~> user admin
Mot de passe :
lftp admin@localhost:~> ls
---- Exécution du programme de connexion (ssh -a -x -s -l admin -p 2121 localhost sftp)
---> sending a packet, length=5, type=1(INIT), id=0

and in the log of the ftpserver, I have

[ INFO] 2015-06-22 14:12:23,604 [] [] CREATED
[ INFO] 2015-06-22 14:12:23,605 [admin] [] OPENED
[ INFO] 2015-06-22 14:12:23,607 [admin] [] RECEIVED: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Ubuntu-5ubuntu1 [ INFO] 2015-06-22 14:12:23,608 [] [] SENT: 220 Service ready for new user.
[ INFO] 2015-06-22 14:12:23,609 [admin] [] SENT: 530 Access denied.

I am using standard configuration files
res/conf/ftpd.xml  res/conf/users.properties

any tips ?

Jean-Max Reymond
Éruption de l'Etna: http://jmreymond.free.fr/Etna2002

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