Dear Full Disclosure,

We apologize for our off-topic post, but this is an important matter, and demands the 
immediate attention of all infosec persons everywhere.

We at GOBBLES Security have just recieved word that Flashn, a famous Swedish hacker 
(known in some circles as Joakim Berg) has recently been taken into custody by INS 
agents in New York City, where he will be held until exported back to his own country.

Is this any way to treat a famous hacker?  Please call your local INS agents and 
convince them to release our dear friend, Flashn, at least for the holidays so that he 
may spend them with his friends in New York, and not with his new love interests in 
American detention centers.

If someone could please register the domain FREEFLASHN.ORG and provide it with host, 
it would be appreciated -- it's important we do all in our power to have him released 
for Christmas Day.

Thank you and God Bless.
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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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