There is something rather uncivilized in the last few posts from Jay 
Hanson, and I don't like it.  I'm not an economist, and have no great 
respect for the discipline as a whole, but Mr. Hanson's remarks offend 
me because they are full of prejudice and seem to be hate literature.  
Surely none of us would sit back and calmly accept such remarks about 
blacks or jews.

Whether Mr. Hanson likes it or not, a great many economists are 
intelligent and accomplished people who do not deserve such slander.
Instead of such blanket condemnation of people based on their 
profession alone, which accomplishes nothing, I'd like to see some
genuine criticism -- something constructive, perhaps.

I'm an optimist about society, and I think we will figure out how to 
make it work.  If we do, I expect it will be because of the hard work
and careful reasoning of real scholars in many fields, including
economics.  Though they have probably been wrong in many things (as we 
all are) most economists are genuine scholars who work hard and reason 
carefully.   I'd like to see some evidence of Mr. Hanson's own 
reasoning abilities, but all I see is diatribe and invective, 
prejudice and hatred.


Douglas P. Wilson     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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