Durant wrote:
> Thanks very much for the sumup.
> Just a couple of notes:
> - If someone writes beautifully that does not necessarily
> mean that his conclusions are right
> - if someone experienced things - same applies.

I agree 100%.  Appeal to authority is anathema to
me as it was to Galileo and others. 

On the other hand, I have personally known one person
(maybe a couple more...) in my life who was (still is:
he's not yet dead or confined to a lunatic asylum) a
MORAL GIANT.  This man's presence was awesome, and
it became the more awe-inspiring the more I applied
my *critical judgment* to scrutinizing this person.

I think I have a fairly good "nose" for smelling
out pretenders-to-knowledge and their antipodal opposites.
I may be wrong about Szcsepanski, and I'll continue to
"test all things and hold fast only that which 
proves good" [end of sentence] 

> Otherwise you should all believe me straight away, as I am probably
> the only one on this list who lived and worked  (as a blue-collar
> worker) for years, while  bringing up a family
> under both the ex-socialist and the capitalist system...
> >From your description I cannot see how this "freedom of
> individuality" can be achieved without a democratically sharing.
> society.

Szczepanski was clearly advocating radical democracy
while writing from behind the Iron Curtain.  He was
probably, at age 80(?), and a very careful craftsman
of his language, in a sufficiently secure position (and/or
had little enough to lose, and/or also was really trying
to *give* to humanity at whatever risk to himself...),
that he could afford to say these things (the speech
was originally given to a Conference in Paris).

If you find what I described not good, and if you read the
original article and find it not good, please share
with us, for I believe that is what JS himself would
have wanted us to do.

> Eva

   "Prove all things [for yourself!]; hold fast that 
   which is good [in your most responsible judgment --
   and proclaim and defend your results before all
   sapient spirits there may be]" 
             (1 Thes v:21 [ammended])

\brad mccormick

   Mankind is not the master of all the stuff that exists, but
   Everyman (woman, child) is a judge of the world.

Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
914.238.0788 / 27 Poillon Rd, Chappaqua, NY 10514-3403 USA
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