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Call off the negotiations for a multilateral agreement on investment at
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, says a British
non-governmental organisation, because it will greatly curtail developing
countries' policy options for strengthening their domestic industries and
financial stability.
By Chakravarthi Raghavan
Third World Network Features

Geneva: Multilateral investment rules will not bring in any higher
flows of inward investment to developing countries, but will close off
their policy options for strengthening and diversifying their domestic
industries, and prohibit policies that would prevent financial instability,
experienced in Mexico and East Asia.
In presenting this critique, the UK-based World Development Movement
(WDM) has called for the abandoning of efforts at the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to negotiate a multilateral
agreement on investment (MAI), and initiation of research efforts in
fora that allow developing countries full rights of participation to
develop rules to govern foreign investment and the operations of
transnational corporations, and in a process that would ensure that
development needs are at the core of an international regulatory framework.
While the WDM critique is addressed to the negotiating process and
substance of the OECD's MAI agreement, most of its arguments apply with
equal validity to the efforts for multilateral investment rules -- whether
at the World Trade Organisation talks in the study group on trade and
investment, or the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development)  talks on a Multilateral Framework for Investment,  which so
far has proceeded on the basis that the MAI framework could be taken, and
'a development dimension' could be built in as special exemptions.
The WDM critique by Barry Coates is a response to a recently published
report by Prof. E V K Fitzerald of Oxford University. Commissioned by the
UK Department for International Development (DFID), the report, while
heavily critical of the OECD-MAI, nevertheless reached a conclusion
supportive of the MAI, arguing that developing countries could make use
of exceptions to meet their development concerns, and would benefit from
higher inward FDI by acceding to the OECD-MAI, as also by the MAI
substituting for weak domestic institutions.
The Fitzgerald report, and some UK funding via extra-budgetary
resources for UNCTAD's activities promoting multilateral investment rules,
figured at recent UNCTAD-NGO consultations, when the WDM and other British
NGOs suggested that the funding was for UNCTAD to promote the report.
UNCTAD officials denied that they had accepted the funds for this purpose.
The DFID, while making usual disclaimers that the report represented
its policy, made it available to the OECD, where the negotiations have
been stalled, and to developing country governments, UNCTAD and other
bodies. The WDM critique is available at its web site
'There are numerous inconsistencies between the analysis and the
conclusions drawn in the report,' says the WDM. 'Most notably, the
anticipated benefits from acceding to the MAI rely on untested and
unstated assumptions. Further, some omissions in the interpretation of
the draft text mean that insufficient weight is given to the risks and
potential costs to developing countries.'
The Fitzgerald report itself has said the DFID had commissioned the
study on 23 February 1998, with a four-week timeframe to produce a report,
and hence the 'research' had been based on available documentation and
their own field experience, but that they had been unable to consult
international bodies, NGOs or representatives of developing countries.
Also, the discussions in the report of the MAI have been based on the
consolidated text of the OECD-MAI draft of 12 February 1998 and the
accompanying commentary (both provided by the OECD), but that, since
the negotiations are incomplete, the text is ambiguous at many critical
points, and so the authors had been obliged to comment on the basis of
what they understood to be the 'spirit of the proposals'.
Noting this, the WDM says that in the short time, the report had done
an impressive amount of work ion analysing official information, but their
attempt to draw a firm conclusion had resulted in wrong advice being given
to the OECD and developing countries.
The Fitzgerald report argues that while there are no specific
provisions relating to developing countries as such in the MAI, rules under
it for country-specific exemptions leave sufficient scope for developing
country interests and that aid donors and OECD member countries could
provide funds for poorer developing countries to cover the costs of
The restrictions in the MAI on performance requirements and other
controls would not pose a serious disadvantage, since developing countries
could avail of a wide margin for exceptions.  The general exceptions for
national security, public order, and safeguards for monetary, balance of
payments and other macroeconomic disequilibria to the application of the
MAI are crucial conditions for accession by developing countries.
The WDM challenges these assumptions and underlines that whatever the
provisions for country-specific exemptions, there would be political
pressure on developing countries to limit the broad exemptions and, in
any event, such exemptions would be rolled back subsequently. Nor is it
likely that any new and additional funding would be available to the poorer
countries to cover the costs of accession.
Restrictions on scope and application of government policy-making
are central to the MAI and significant loss of sovereignty would be
inevitable, the WDM points out, adding that such a loss of sovereignty
by accession to the MAI would:
* close off options for developing countries to use a range of
policies aimed at strengthening and diversifying their domestic industry
policies that have been used by all OECD and newly industrialised
countries in their development phase. The MAI would inhibit ability of the
poorest developing countries to diversify their economies away from the
export of primary commodities and low-wage products, and risks locking
these countries into a marginalised role in the world economy;
* prohibit use of policies that could play an important role in
preventing the financial instability experienced by Mexico and East Asia
in recent years; and
* prevent developing countries from protecting themselves against
social, cultural and environmental damage that may be associated with
certain types of foreign investment.
And while the Fitzgerald report argues that accession to the MAI
will result in higher flows of inward investment, the links between more
investment and accession to the MAI are tenuous, the WDM notes.
Surveys show that the decision to invest is dominated by commercial
considerations, particularly access to the host country's domestic market,
rather than issues of investor protection. And many countries with
extensive restrictions on incoming investment such as China, Malaysia and
Thailand attract the highest flows of foreign investment.
Rejecting the view that the MAI will substitute for weak domestic
institutions, the WDM points out that the MAI's complexities and legal
ambiguities will do little to eliminate uncertainty. An international
agreement such as the MAI is no substitute for strengthening domestic
regulations and their enforcement.
The central issue about the impact of the MAI is not whether there
should be more foreign investment into developing countries -- such
investment is urgently needed -- but whether governments should have
the right to control such investments including policies to screen
investment proposals, encourage investments that would create development
benefits, and refuse entry to investors likely to harm local communities
and destroy the environment.
Accession to the MAI will impose a heavy burden of costs on
developing countries - including the direct costs of preparing for
accession, negotiating access and implementing the disciplines. These
costs are likely to be substantial, and it is unlikely there would be
any additional funding from OECD donors.
Beyond these direct costs, developing countries would also face
risks derived from potential abuse of power by foreign investors, some
of which are larger than most developing countries. The dispute settlement
process would create enormous scope for the foreign investors to make legal
challenges against host country governments. It won't be necessary for a
foreign investor to show intentional discrimination against the foreign
investor, and thus a violation of national treatment, but merely show the
law has such an effect. Similarly, the MAI's provisions on expropriation
cover any law or policy that has the effect of expropriation, as the
claims by US investors against Canada and Mexico show.
Assumptions that developing countries would be able to negotiate
broad and largely unrestricted exemptions from an MAI are not warranted.
In the real world of political negotiations, developing countries will
have little negotiating leverage once the agreement  has  been signed.
And  while  it  is  assumed  (by  the  Fitzgerald  report)  that
developing countries would get generous accession terms, it is possible
that developing countries may face standards as high as those for the
OECD countries, the WDM points out.
Flexible entry terms for developing countries would mean reduced
benefits for foreign investors, the vast majority of whom are based in
industrial countries. Industry associations have already identified
developing countries as the main target for the MAI, noting that 'the
preponderance of restrictions on foreign investment lies outside the
OECD area, in developing countries'.
'Tough negotiations are likely to be conducted over any exemptions
for developing countries that would reduce the benefits to OECD-based
TNCs. Already, capital-exporting states or major investors often make
adoption of a bilateral investment treaty a condition for investments,
on a "take it or leave it" basis. Only the larger and more powerful
developing countries have an opportunity to engage in meaningful
The desire of OECD countries to conclude the MAI negotiations in the
face of widespread opposition, both within each OECD member and globally,
means every effort is being made to accommodate the exemptions lodged by
OECD countries. The negotiations take place among OECD members, with
considerable latitude for trade-offs and deals between blocs and
individual countries.
But non-OECD countries would face negotiations with OECD countries
as a whole, with little power or leverage. And when an individual
developing country experiences a period of economic or financial crisis,
emergency assistance from the developed countries or international
financial institutions would be conditioned on accession to the MAI
with few or no exceptions. Such conditionality has been evident in the
requirements for liberalisation of inward investments by East Asian
countries as a part of the IMF's assistance package.
A series of reports by UN agencies such as the United Nations
Development Programme and UNCTAD has identified three key issues requiring
government policy intervention. These are:
* liberalisation of trade and investment has been accompanied by
increasing disparities between rich and poor, both between and within
* liberalisation of international capital has resulted in rapid
transfer of speculative capital, severe BOP deficits, economic recession
and social hardships;
* some types of foreign investments have caused economic, social
and environmental damage.
An MAI will exacerbate these. It would rule out a range of policies
that have been used by governments to diversify their economies and build
a domestic industrial base.
An MAI would prohibit capital controls that could protect economies
from speculative and destabilising movements of foreign capital. While
much of recent attention has been focused on the destabilising effects of
short-term lending, 'there is evidence that foreign direct investment
itself can create BOP problems'.
Beyond direct costs, developing countries would also face risks
derived from the potential abuse of power by foreign investors, some of
which are larger than most developing countries.
Calling for an abandonment of the MAI process, the WDM has called for
research to be initiated in a forum where developing countries would have
full rights of participation, to develop rules governing foreign investment
and operations of transnational corporations. Such a process would ensure
that development needs are at the core of an international regulatory
framework. - Third World Network Features

About the writer: Chakravarthi Raghavan is Chief Editor of SUNS
(South-North Development Monitor), a daily bulletin, and Third
World Network's representative in Geneva.

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