From: Durant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> "The liberal left was very strong in academia those days," Wilson says.
>> Rousseauistic belief in human perfectibility, however, led to the Gulags,
>> the killing fields of Cambodia and Fidel Castro. Now that the world knows
>Such an unresearched statement makes the book suspect for me;
>Marx used french utopian socialism as a well criticised
>source that he "turned upside down" just llike he did with
>Hegel's ideas. Marxism has nothing to do with the belief
>in human perfectability.

Are you kidding?   Marx required angelic robots for his utopia: The basic
principle is "from each according to their ability to each according to
their work". And finally, the highest stage of the classless society would
be reached; in which the principle is "from each according to their ability
to each according to their needs".

Needless to say, Marx's grand hallucination wound up in the trash can
because of the human propensity to act human (follow genetic programming).
Marx should have paid more attention to Hobbes:

 "... in the first place, I put forth a general inclination of all mankind a
perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in
death." -- Thomas Hobbes

>The Gulags, Cambodia and Fidel Castro have not much to do
>with the marxian definition, but are a useful history
>to point us to a future where we know how important is to safeguard
>all the democratic guarantees.

"democratic guarantees" reflects your "Rousseauistic belief in human
perfectibility".  What's changed Eva?  How can "more of the same" yield
anything other than "more of the same" results?


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