> >that is what human progress is about. We are able to learn
> "Human progress" is not science -- else it would be explicitly defined and
> measured.

 Human progress cannot be equated with science,
as science is just a method to get to know reality.
As such it cannot be quantified.

Human progress is about the increasingly better approximation
we have to our reality, and the ability to use this forsight 
to our advantage,
for more and more humans to have a chance to enjoy their
brief wonderment in the universe.
We are part of the universe which, yes, it is something
larger, but otherwise I haven't the faintest what you mean.

Life if wonderful enough to be enjoyed even if we have to
die eventually. If we make it to old age, we have plenty of time to 
get used to idea, but I would prefer to live forever, because I'm 
damn curious to see what happens next...


> The belief in human progress seems an attempt to make sense out of our
> senseless lives and transcend our personal deaths.
> As part of something larger we believe we can live forever and make
> "progress", but as individuals, the best we can hope for is a painless
> death.
> Jay

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