Dear Mr. Murphy:

I am one of the lurkers on this list, living as I do in that remote outpost
of Ontario called Ottawa.  Yes, I agree, this is one of the most radical
reforms that has occurred in the political process in my lifetime and for
once, allows individuals a chance to short circuit the usual party politics
that creates leaders for parties that then win elections, creating cabinets
through which to rule us for the next 4-5 years.

I like you, had made the decision to never - never vote Tory in my lifetime.
And yet, one of my heroes is David Orchard and I have been seeking in vain
for information about his quixotic quest for snatching the holy grail from
the authorities.  The Tory Party will be receiving my $10 and David will be
receiving my vote.  And yes, perhaps there is a tooth fairy in that we can
initiate a bloodless coup and actually get an honourable man - a Canadians
Canadian in the inner seats of power.  I have no real issue with Joe Clark
except that he has blended into the system so long that his form of honesty
will not produce the radical choices which I and I think millions of other
Canadians want.

I'm tired of letting the ruling elite sell out the people of Canada.  These
guys, Harris, Chretien, Mulroney want to sit at the American's banquet table
so bad that they betray in a thousand little ways and some very big ways the
people like David, myself and others who have no wish to kiss the ass of
anyone.  So let me add my voice to yours and ask others to create a tsunami
of support that arises out of the faith and hearts of working people,
ordinary Canadians who drive trucks, teach school, sit on a tractor and go
north for months at a time and leave their families.  We are the Canadians
who make Canada, not the suits who sit in offices, manipulate salaries so
theirs are the largest and want to play with the big boys of the world.  Let
me state it plainly.  We don't have to ask anyones permission to sit at the
table, we, the ordinary Canadian have earned the right to sit at anyones tab
le and even more, there are many in the world who would feel honoured to sit
at our table - for ours is a generous table made up of decent people.  Let's
shock the complacency of those who court power to manipulate us, better a
John Diefenbaker or David Orchard with the faults of honesty and
inexperience than the faults of a Harris, Mulroney or Chretien who play the
shell game.


Thomas Lunde
-----Original Message-----
From: M.J. Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 19, 1998 2:12 PM
Subject: C4LDEMOC-L: Look who's Tory now

>As some people may know, the federal Torys are choosing a new leader on
>October 24th.
>To do this, they have initiated an interesting experiment in direct
>democracy.  Anyone
>who pays the $10 fee to become a member of the party by Sept. 24th gets to
>vote on the new leader.  That is, there will be no chosen delegates. There
>will be a polling station in every federal riding!  You pay $10, walk down
>the street, and you too can decide the future of the Conservative Party of
>Now, what's really interesting is that anti free trade/MAI activist David
>Orchard has decided to run for the position, and has been signing up
>"instant Tory's" by the thousand.  (Specifically, about 7,000 memberships
>a party that a few months ago had only 20,000 members.  Read this in the
>Globe, I think).  The party "machine" is terrified that Mr. Orchard might
>actually win, and even if not his candidacy could turn the whole race into
>rather surreal affair.
>On Friday, I mailed my $10 to the PC party headquarters.  Hopefully, by
>week I will be a Tory. The opportunity to remake these guys as Canada's
>Center Left party in Canada (now that the NDP have officially sold out), or
>at least the opportunity to help create a bit of political mayhem, seemed
>more than worth the small fee.
>I intend write a few pieces in support of Mr. Orchard's positions.  Can
>anyone provide me a list of good URLs on MAI, or the Tory leadership race
>Also, anyone looking for more info on the Orchard campaign (and how to
>become an insta tory) can go to  Together we can
>save this country from the Mulroney legacy!
>M.J. Murphy
>The Shapes of Things are Dumb.
>- L. Wittgenstein
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