I have been asked to be a keynote speaker for this event.  The text of the
address I will be giving on Oct. 11 can be found at 
<http://ccen.uccb.ns.ca/articles/GLD2.html>.  The presentation itself will
be available as Real Video on the day of the event.

For anyone with an interest, other of the papers produced by myself and my
at C\CEN colleagues over the last several years can be found at

Any comments on the paper(s) are appreciated.


Mike Gurstein

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 13:02:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Global Learn Day II

To:  E.S.D*. - GLD LIST -

Subject:  Important Announcement/Global Learn Day II

Global Learn Day II will take place on October 10 and 11.  This is a
worldwide 30 hour nonstop webcast featuring the leaders in distance
education from around the world.  Attendance is free.

21st Century technology will be used to ensure that those with even "386"
computers and 14.4 modems, while not fully functional for all the video 
and audio activities, can still interactively participate in this
groundbreaking event. While the entire proceedings will be archived for
one full year, we earnestly hope you will attend on Saturday or Sunday,
October 10 or 11. And, if you're using an older system with a slow internet
connection you can still chat with people from around the world using IRC
chat. Starting October 1, 1998, you'll be able to download the program you
need and all the information about joining this exciting around the world chat
from http://www.msintergate.com/GLD/chat.

Very specific GLDII Announcements will be forthcoming in the next two
weeks, all which are designed answer your commonly asked questions and help
you better enjoy your time at Global Learn Day II.

For immediate information about GLDII, you may wish to write:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit http://www.bfranklin.edu.

We sincerely hope that you will attend this extraordinary event.

Linda Riddell
Director of Communications
Tel:  619 230 0212

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