Michael Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Um, this is straying kinda far off topic, but when Pete Vincent wrote:
>> As to "cellulosic biomass", that is protein,...
>I hope you were making a thinko/typo.  I suppose any aggregate biomass
>contains some protein but cellulose is a polysaccharide -- a sugar
>polymer -- not protein -- amino acid polymer.  If you bust cellulose
>up, you get glucose. Raw wood contains a bunch of other stuff,
>particularly lignin, but it's around 60% cellulose.

Ack. Clearly a major brain lapse on my part. Don't know where it came
from, but fortunately I never have to make any claims that I'm a chemist.
OK, so presumably we can cook up a good broth of enzymes and biomass and
get out glucose, which then allows the fermentation process to proceed.
This doesn't answer my other questions, though...

                                     -Pete Vincent

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