For those who are anticipating the possibility of ICT leading to a
decentralization of work, the paper referred to below should be rather

Prochnik's findings for transnational firms in Brazil corresponds to my
more anecdotal experience, that rather than facilitating decentralization,
ICT is likely to lead to the recentralization of corporate activities.
(The pipe runs two ways...

Those activities, such as finance and accounting, marketing, advertising,
personnel management and so on which in many cases have been decentralized
to local hubs because of cost and the need for a degree of "localization",
may with the expansion of ICT bandwidth be recentralized by putting more
information up the pipe to HQ--including CSCW/audio/video and so on...



Michael Gurstein, Ph.D.
ECBC/NSERC/SSHRC Associate Chair in the Management of Technological Change
Director:  Centre for Community and Enterprise Networking (C\CEN)
University College of Cape Breton, POBox 5300, Sydney, NS, CANADA B1P 6L2
Tel.  902-563-1369 (o)          902-562-1055 (h)        902-563-1336 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Http://         ICQ: 7388855

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 08:40:25 -0300
From: Victor Prochnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Impact of ICTs on organisational culture

Hi Luiz,

I have written a paper on the impact of international telecom networks on
the internal organization of transnational enterprises. It can be downloaded

I hope it helps you.

Victor Prochnik
Institute of Economics
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

-----Original Message-----
From: Luiz Ojima Sakuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Quinta-feira, 9 de Julho de 1998 23:33
Subject: Impact of ICTs on organisational culture

>I'm researching telework, and I'm looking for references on the impact
>of the substitution of face-to-face communication for ICTs-mediated
>communication on organisational culture and other related aspects.
>Luiz Ojima Sakuda
>Graduate Student
>FGV/SP - Brazil

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