"Jay Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  You are arguing from a vantage point of deliberate
>ignorance because you are ideologically opposed to scientific information.


> Machiavelli identified the two methods to control most people: deception
>and force.

Stated without proof. Machiavelli was hardly a scientist. He was just
another cynic. 

The most effective way to motivate people to do something is to treat
them as capable, effective, intelligent agents, and engage their 
enthusiasm. It is my experience that people will always rise to meet
higher expectations of them, and will appreciate the high regard in
which they are held. Only a very small few are so damaged as to be
unable to spontaneously respond to this treatment, and those can be dealt
with effectively in other ways without impairing the effectiveness of
positive leadership on the majority. Deception and coersion lead to 
nothing but resistance, rebellion, and lots more bad karma down the line. 
You have provided nothing to support your position. 

                             -Pete Vincent

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