
The European Marches Assizes Against Unemployment, Job Insecurity and 
Social Exclusion
Brussels, 18 and 19 April 1998

Final Motion 

Platform of European Demands against Unemployment, Job Insecurity and 
Social Exclusion

We are witnessing the systematic dismantelement of social protection and 
of public services, linked to dereglementation, and to the precarisation 
of jobs and salaries. 
Throughout Europe, Big Business is on the offensive making full use of 
both the Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties. 
The struggles of the unemployed men and women have grown and with it 
increasing demands for the redistribution of wealth. These demands 
arising out their struggles must be listened to by the economic and 
political leaders at all levels of the decision making process, including 
the European Union.
Here are some of the more urgent demands that we have put forward to the 
unemployed, those in short-term contracts, wage-earners, and European 
citizens. In order to succeed, these demands need the combined forces of 
salaried workers and the jobless, in coordonnated joint struggles, that 
ignore borders.

* A income which will allow each and everyone to have a decent standard 
of living, without discrimination of age, sex or origin, or any other 
form of discrimination.
Profits have never stopped growing, while millions of people in Europe 
are increasingly living below the poverty line. We demand that everyone 
has the right to a guaranteed income in relation to the degree of wealth 
product by society as a whole.

* An immediate and massive reduction in working hours : for a 35 hour 
week throughout Europe, decreasing to 32 hours and down to 30 hours per 
week, with job creation, without loss of salary, or purchasing power, or 
flexibility or annualisation of working hours.
In order to generate jobs, this reduction of working hours must cover all 
types of businesses, and all economic sectors and must be reinforced by 
legislative measures and directives which reproduce and represent the 
results of their struggles. 

* For a massive new jobs that are socially, culturally and ecologically 
useful with decent salaries and including social gains already acquired.

*Total opposition to any attempt to introduce workfare, under the cover 
of "return to work" and total rejection of "employability" because both 
these measures are a form of coercion to force the unemployed to take 
jobs with unacceptable working conditions.

* Total opposition against all forms of precarisation of salaries, 
whether in the public sector or private sector, total opposition to the 
imposition of part-time work, to overtime and to sackings. 

* Total opposition of all forms of discrimination which prevent equal 
access to jobs and salaries to women. This will mean, amongst other 
things, the development of collective structures, for example the 
responsibility for looking after very young children.

* Call for European harmonisation of existing Social Rights and for our 
demands to be aligned on the most advantageous rights for men and women :

 -  Right to health-care;
 -  Right to housing;
 -  Right to education, culture and training courses;
 -  Right to an income, employment and training courses for the young;
 -  Right to transport and access to all forms of communication
 -  Right to utilities :  electricity, gaz and water...
 -  Right to a retirement pension;
 -  Equality between men and women;
 -  Free circulation of people;
 -  Opposition to work by children, exploitation of immigrant workers in 
the undeclared work;
 -  Opposition to insecure jobs  ...

* For the right of recognition of unemployed associations and 
organisations, for the respect of workers' rights to form trade unions, 
to control their own work situation and to join forces in struggles.

* For a democratic Europe that is open and caring, ecological, without 
discrimination, racism, national chauvinism or borders, where there is 
equal civic and political rights for all inhabitants and residency 
documents for all.

The struggle against unemployment, job insecurity and social exclusion 
has highlighted the terrible social injustices of a capitalist society 
where an extreme minority dominates all aspects of life for the sake of 
the profit motive.
Yes, despite attempts to present the current situation as inevitable, 
despite calls for patience and submission, we want to convey, via our 
struggles and our demands, a message of hope and of new perspectives : 
the Abolition of unemployment, plans for a society based on liberty and 
social justice, for a Europe and a World where politics and economics are 
at the service of men and women, rather than the other way round, and 
where all citizens can participate in major decisions effecting their 
daily lives.

The European Assizes against unemployment, job insecurity and social 
19 April 1998

Marches Europeennes
104 rue des Couronnes 
75020 Paris

Marches europeennes contre le chomage, la precarite et les exclusions
104, rue des Couronnes             Tel : +33 1 44 62 63 44
F-75020 Paris  France              Fax : +33 1 44 62 63 45
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