Dear futurework people. 
This is about a community response to the Y2K problem. Is this an important
issue? I admit to not having paid it much attention. 

>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.2 (16)
>Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:05:56
>Subject: Re: advertising barter feeding internet growth
>From: Terry Cottam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Unsub: To leave, send text 'leave econ-lets' to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Reply-To: Terry Cottam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Greetings again, people in LETS dream land. 
>In the back of our minds, we know the dream is about to be either shattered
>or take a radical new direction. We know that barter will be part of the
>new dream. Will LETS, Microsoft or any other e-currency? If power, fuel,
>telecom, and/or computers become scarce or unreliable, they will either
>localize and go low-tech or die. This is what we will increasingly confront
>in 1999-2000.
>Please read the letter below. Is there such a group in your town or city?
>If not, it doesn't matter where you are, let me suggest you start one,
>pronto. There is very little leadership at the top, anywhere. It's all
>bottom-up. There many success stories, including Nelson, BC and Boulder
>Colorado (more at ,
> ) but time is becoming very short. 
>For instance, we really don't know how much time we have before our
>currencies collapse from the "IMF-fluenza" that has felled Japan, Russia
>and Brazil. When it reaches the West, it will spread quickly, and community
>cooperation may be immensely more difficult. 
>We've always wanted to knit together our neighbourhoods. Now is the time to
>do it, block by block. The Utne Reader Y2K Citizens Action Guide tells you
>how ( ). 
>My very best wishes to Richard, Michael, Andy, Mary and everyone else I've
>shared the dream with over the years on this list.
>Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 03:59:10 -0800 (PST)
>From: "John O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: URGENT
>To: Terry Cottam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Yesterday I  recieved a letter from Clancy Priest, who heads Chico IT
>dept. CP is in charge of the city's Y2K efforts and heads a Y2K Task
>Force, whose members include the Police Chief, Fire Chief, City
>Attnorney and Risk Manaager. This taks force "meets as needed to
>address specific problems regarding Y2K...."
>CP "joined the City in January, 1996.... The City has set aside
>$100,000 for replacement of systems which are found to be
>noncompliant. As you can imagine, Y2K testing and verification is a
>time-consuming and tedious task, which the City is currently in the
>middle of performing."
>So it has taken from 1-96 to 12-98 to get to the MIDDLE of the task?
>Does this mean they will have to squeeze another 35 months of work
>into 12 months?
>Meets as needed? Once a day? Twice a day? Or monthly? Bimonthly? How
>much time do those people have to study the issue, to plan for citizen
>$100,000 for replacement.... The City IT staff now has 6 persons; they
>are working like dogs right now. When will they discover noncompliant
>systems? When will they find time to install those systems and test

>"In response to your concern about educating the public, the City
>Manager has requested that we use the City's web page to inform and
>educate City residents. We are currently collecting information from
>various sources, and we will shortly have detailed information on the
>web page describing steps that citizens can take to ensure that they
>are adequately prepared for January 1, 2000. As this date draws
>nearer, there will be additional press releases and other education
>efforts to inform the broader public about what steps they can take to
>insure that Y2K occurs as safely as possible for everyone."
>#1: Who is spending the time to put up a redundant Web site? Wouldn't
>links to the many organizations do the same? Cassandra Project? Etc.
>Did the City every consider using Y2K Action Group as a resource? #2:
>Press releases just don't cut it. The "broader public" --ie the larger
>numbers of citizens who don't use the internet for info-- aren't going
>to pay much attention to a press release in the E-R, assuming they see
>it at all. #3: "As this date draws nearer..." it will be too late for
>the broader public, and the narrower, unprepared public, to take
>non-panic stricken steps to ensure their safety.
>This is NOT reassuring. Vague, non-specific pr like this is convincing
>only to those who believe that "THEY" will make everything okay, that
>there is no need to worry, feel uncomfortable, make any plans, or
>other wise assume responsibility for ensuring their own safety by
>taking rational intelligent steps toward same; these words cheat us
>all by ensuring that the reader feels no need to get to work on
>creating the safety of their community. 
>ALSO, I am nearly finished with the mailing list for the Dec 10
>meetings. This is about 120 names: church leaders, business owners,
>heads of groups, city officials in other nearby cities. Each of these
>people should have a follow-up telephone call to help get them to the
>Dec 10 meeting. If you are willing to call 3 or 4 of the names it will
>help immensely.
>If CP's letter represents the official, carved in stone direction the
>City is taking, boy are we in trouble. If it represents the happy-face
>public stand that masks the private worries and thoughts of CP, the
>police chief, the fire chief, etc, then we're still in trouble. If it
>represents a large stone blocking the path to preparing our community
>and ensuring the safety of our community, then let's get to work
>moving that stone.
>Y2K Action Group had a "Task Force" meeting last week. About a dozen
>of us brainstormed areas of concern. I typed up all up. The document
>is about 9 pages long. Questions and concerns, suggestions what local
>government might do or look into and suggestions for the individual's
>action and areas of responsibility. This will be available to you and
>audience members at the Dec. 10 mtg.
>Let me know ASAP if you will call people. I'll email 3 or 4 names and
>numbers. If you have non-net concerned friends who will call, let me
>know & I'll include extra  numbers. All it requires is the call, a

>reminder to attend, and perhaps letting the contact know that Senator
>Bennett said, "I am convinced there will be some [municipalities]
>without water and there could be serious serious difficulties there."
>And that Mari Nahn, the attorney for a utility company in Madison,
>Wisconsin, said in a newspaper article that they expected blackouts
>and loss of water.
>Also included in the Dec 10 handout is Ed Yourdon's essay "Will
>Talking About Y2K Cause Panic?" Basically if people hear the bad news
>NOW, in Jan 99, and they panic they'll stock up on food etc, but they
>won't be able to maintain a state of frenzy for another 12 months. So
>after a short while -days, a couple of weeks- they'll say, "Okay,
>we've got food and water and extra fuel... NOW what do we do?" And
>thenthey can start making rational intelligent decisions about how to
>get their communities prepared. 
>HOPE FOR THE BEST. PREPARE FOR THE WORST. This does not mean hoping to
>get a new Lexus in Jan 99 and preparing for higher insurance premiums.
>The Best: As a COMMUNITY we have the resources to plan what we need to
>do, we have to know-how to do it, and we have the moral/spiritual
>strength to weather whatever the storm produces.
>The Worst: the prospect of more months of official do-nothing and
>verbal marshmallows.
>John O.
>Copies: to everyone I can think of.
>Get your free address at

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