>Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:42:27 -0700
>From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The National Post                                              June 3, 1999
>       52% BELOW $15 AN HOUR
>       Jobless figures don't measure underemployment, report contends
>       By James Cudmore
>       Canadian workers are underpaid and underemployed, says a
>report released yesterday by Ryerson Polytechnic University.
>       The study, conducted by the Ryerson Social Reporting Net-
>work, observes that 52% of Canadians are paid less than $15 an
>hour, and that 45% of the country's workforce is engaged in
>"flexible" work, with people unable to find full-time or permanent
>       The study, which was produced through an analysis of labour
>force surveys by Statistics Canada surveys, stands in sharp contrast
>with the oft-expressed claim that the growing Canadian economy is
>creating a stronger, more secure labour market.
>       "We hear an awful lot about the new economic boom," said Dr.
>John Shields, the author of the study.
>       "But, I think there is still a real question about what that means
>for people in the labour market.
>       "This study clearly reveals a great wage differential between
>people who have stable jobs and those with flexible employment,"
>Dr. Shields said.
>       "The labour market is polarized between stable, secure types of
>employment and insecure, inadequately compensated employment."
>       According to Dr. Shields, 45% of Canadian workers are en-
>gaged in flexible work (defined as part-time and non-permanent),
>earning an average of $5 to $8 less an hour than full time workers.
>       The study goes on to suggest that these flexible workers have
>little chance of improving their wage.
>       "All of the indicators show that this is the emerging trend," said
>Dr. Shields, "It's the new labour market."
>       The Ryerson report also introduced a new employment-vul-
>nerability measure intended to reflect the amount of underem-
>ployment in the society, rather than just unemployment.
>       "Looking at traditional unemployment isn't enough," Dr. Shields
>       "It masks the tremendous underemployment in our economy,
>people who are working part time who don't want to be. They want
>more work, but just aren't able to find it."
>       While the official unemployment rate in the country is 8.4%, the
>Ryerson study estimates that as many as 20.3% of Canadians are
>underemployed or otherwise lack employment security and an
>adequate level of wages.
>       "If we look at the employment problem from that perspective,
>the real unemployment rate is two-and-a half times larger," Dr.
>Shields said.
>       "What's really going on in the labour market is an increase in
>more-peripheral and more-vulnerable types of employment," Dr.
>Shields says.
>       "I think that's very serious for families."

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