
Are you serious about this?    There are a lot of Scientologists in
the arts and I don't find them anymore of a problem than the regular
church groups with calls for public support in sending the poor to
parochial schools.    Can Scientology be any worse than church abused
orphans of a generation ago in Quebec?    Abuse where technology
meant for the insane was used on sane orphans to keep them in line?

If you want to complain about any one group with an agenda then you
have to, IMO, do the same about the rest as well.    It is good to point it
out but I'm sure the NSA knows already and is in the business of making
everyone more paranoid about each other.    So the point here is to
tell the story and remember that each group is busy trying to do the other
under.   The trick is to get out of the way of both elephants and hyenas.


Christoph Reuss wrote:

> Microsoft cooperates with Scientology
> Experts suspect Trojan Horse in Windows 2000
>    (Summary of an article in the renowned German computer magazine "c't",
>     full article at )
> An integrated operating system component of Microsoft Windows 2000, the
> defragmentation program "Diskeeper", is made by a Scientology company.
> German data protection and security officials have expressed concerns
> that once Windows 2000 will be shipped, "Diskeeper" will have access to
> all data on the harddisks of government agencies, companies and citizens
> worldwide. The psycho cult Scientology is known for attempts to infiltrate
> key positions in industry and government, and has been involved in
> espionage cases.
> Replying to concerns, Microsoft wrote that it is not a Microsoft-specific
> problem if somebody can obtain access to the system [yeah, all virus
> programmers know this], and that customers could remove Diskeeper at
> any time by manually deleting its files and registry entries. However,
> computer experts found out that when a user tries to delete Diskeeper,
> another component of Windows 2000 immediately restores Diskeeper by using
> a cached copy. In other words, the Scientology component cannot be removed
> from Windows 2000.
> Since they don't intend to financially support Scientology and have their
> data snooped, German churches and government agencies now consider to
> boycott Windows 2000.
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Scared of M$ ?  Lighten up at

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