Hi folks,

Here's the second of three you missed.

Yours for the New Year,

Subj:    Re: My post, "The Market Price Noosphere Of A Free Society" 
Date:   01/04/2000 11:54:38 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:   WesBurt
CC: WesBurt
BCC:    deleted by WSB

Good morning, Chris Basten,

I would have done my best to answer any question you might have asked.  
Instead, you have set yourself up as a card carrying Devious Defender of 
the Status Quo (DDotSQ) by writing:

>>>>>>>>> Begin cbasten 01/03/2000 6:23:58 AM EST post <<<<<<<<

a short time ago I wrote to you re the incomprehensible nature of your 
mailing list postings.As a person with a reasonable grasp of the  
complexities of the world I couldn't for the life of me get a handle on what 
the hell you were on about. you suggested in a most patronising manner 
that were I to check out material on your website even an ignoramus 
such as myself would be enlightened.

sorry bubba but it didn't happen. I couldn't make head or tail out of what 
I can only describe as crypto scientific gobbledegook. 

We have a place here in Sydney called The Domain where people with 
an axe to grind stood up on a  box or whatever and harangued passersby 
with their "proof" that an advanced civilisation lived inside a hollow earth 
or we should all wear hats lined with tinfoil so that the C.I.A. couldn't 
control our thoughts. with all respect I think those peoples assertion. were
 slightly more founded in reality than your own.


Christopher Basten
>>>>>>>>> End cbasten 01/03/2000 6:23:58 AM EST post <<<<<<<<


If you were trying for an intellectual put-down, you have been preceded 
by experts.  Consider the following, by an old-fashioned DDotSQ, who 
leaves a double space between each sentence and capitalizes the first 
word of each sentence:

>>>>>>>> Begin five year old reply from a DDotSQ <<<<<<<<<
Subj:   the usual
Date:   95-04-30 17:56:22 EDT
From:a DDotSQ


A) No kowtowing.  Claims to intellectual inferiority only make me
suspicious of the claimant; what does he hope to accomplish?  And why
do you beg off organizing work for the role of a gadfly?

B) The net is a social space.  If you were to walk up to the lunch
table of a group of people you didn't know, sit yourself down, and try
to change the topic of conversation, you would expect to have people
disregard you regardless of the validity or importance of your
message.  Why do you pretend ignorance of this cultural rule on the
net?  Could it be that you get perverse satisfaction from feeling
misunderstood, that having given up on the idea of actually winning
acceptance for your message you milk your martyrdom?

C)  Start with putting your message directly.  After reading all you
sent, I know that you are interested in political economy and the
allocation of resources.  I know you are familiar with some biblical
budget rules.  I don't know what the rules or their relevance to today
is.  I don't know what is this putative English system is, or how it is
supposed to affect economic efficiency or fairness.  I don't know
whether you advocate zero-sum philosophy or dispute it.  

In short, isn't it time you begin to act your age?  You could play the
role of a tribal elder; you have the credentials and the intelligence.
Instead you choose the role of the trickster, the clown -- a far more
difficult role, requiring for more deviousness, cunning, and wit.
Aiming for the trickster and falling short, you will become the fool.
Does your message deserve better than this?

>>>>>>>> End five year old reply from a DDotSQ <<<<<<<<<

PS: This is a test message, to see if my favorite mail lists survived Y2K.

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