Futher to Michael and Ed's posts relating to the growth of
individualism in the western world (and doctor's obsessions with their
personal portfolios), today's Toronto Star has an article "Free agency
comes to the shop floor" quoting Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School
of Management at the University of Toronto, who expects the workplace to
evolve into a world of free agents, with workers demanding their own
work terms just like athletes.
That, he says, is because the concept of loyalty to an employer is
fading, while loyalty to one's own career is on the upswing.  In time,
human resources policies where all employees get the same wages,
benefits and vacations will disappear, Martin argues. Instead, workers
will demand one-on-one contracts that recognise individual
needs...customised spaces at home.

Also, I see a similarity in the defiant police union president in
Toronto with his threatening and intimidating tactics to enhance his
individual power and influence as a battle of individual/community
values.  (He has a fundraising campaign to support his favored
politicians and denigrate his opponents, with donors to the campaign
given car stickers).  His career path and individual power is to be
determined in court.
 By the way what is happening with police in the U.S. Do police forces
in the U.S. really have control over the city councils as the media are
reporting?   What is happening in Texas?

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