This raises some interesting ethical and policy issues.

Arthur Cordell
Subject: I Need Your Help - A Message from Michael Moore
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2000 3:28PM

April 20, 2000

Dear Friends,

I need your help in preventing an injustice that is
about to occur.

I am writing to you from Minneapolis where I am
shooting a segment for "The Awful Truth" which
begins next month on Bravo. This Tuesday, April 25,
the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) will
hold a hearing here as part of their attempt to deport
eight Mexican workers. Their crime? They tried to
organize a union where they worked, at the Holiday
Inn Express in downtown Minneapolis. The
employees voted - and the union won. Shortly after
their victory, Holiday Inn called the INS and turned
them in.

The INS agents raided the Holiday Inn, and arrested
and handcuffed these 6 women and 2 men. They
then took them to a detention center far outside of
Minneapolis and were not allowed to call a lawyer for
a week.

When they were finally released (still wearing their
Holiday Inn maid's uniforms) they got a lawyer and
filed a number of complaints against Holiday Inn of
Minneapolis with the National Labor Relations Board
and the Equal Employment Opportunity

Both federal agencies ruled in favor of the Mexican
illegal aliens. The law prohibits retaliating against
any employee who attempts to organize a union or
discriminating against anyone because of their
ethnic background. It was the first time that the
EEOC had ruled in favor of undocumented workers.

Yet, even though Holiday Inn broke the law and was
ordered to pay fines and restitution, the INS
continues their efforts to ship the housekeepers
back to Mexico.

These eight individuals - Rosa Albino, Evertina
Albino, Reyna Albino, Estella Albino, Francilla Albino,
Bulfrano Albino, Norma Del Toro, Bruna Alvarez, and
Amado Flores -- are truly the working poor. They are
the people who clean up after us. They break their
backs for minimum wage -- cleaning bathrooms,
changing sheets, and dealing with the mess people
leave behind.

It is the kind of work none of us want to do. And
because the boomers decided to have less children,
there are not enough young people around to take
the low-paying jobs, so many businesses have
decided to look the other way and hire Mexicans and
others to do the shift work. Companies across
America love illegal aliens - until they get uppity and
ask for a few more cents. Then a call is placed and
the ax of the INS comes down swiftly.

These eight Mexican citizens have been in the United
States from four to ten years. Some have had
children born here. The INS cynically says the kids
can stay - they're considered American citizens - but
the parents have to go.

The INS has to be stopped.

I have met these eight good people. They are the
kind of people you hope to live next to - decent,
honest, hard-working, selfless. They seek no favors,
they pay their taxes, and they've been in no trouble
with the law.

Yes, they came here illegally. I am not condoning
this, but I ask you to please consider that none of us
would be here today if it wasn't for the fact that our
grandparents, great-grandparents, or some family
ancestor came to America as an immigrant. Except
for Native Americans and African-Americans, every
single one of us is here today because of a relative
who got to America by "hook or crook." How can any
of us justify slamming the door behind us - "Okay,
we're in! Everybody else, stay away!"

In shooting this story I have traveled to Atlanta to
meet with a vice-president of Holiday Inn. It turns out
that Holiday Inn is a foreigner, too. It is owned by the
British - Bass Ale, to be specific. I asked the British
v.p. who the hell did he think he and his other British
executives were -- coming to our country, making
millions, and trying to deport eight other immigrants
who had also come here (to make five bucks an

Then I went to Washington, D.C. to meet with a top
official at the INS. No, I said, I am not here to talk
about young Elian. I want you to let these eight
Mexican workers stay in the U.S. I told him the INS
had violated the law by responding to a call from an
employer who was trying to use the INS to retaliate
against employees trying to organize a union. The
man looked as if he wished I had asked him about
Elian Gonzales. He said he wouldn't comment
except to say that the hearing on the 25th will
determine whether the eight stay or go, that the INS
does consider certain "contributions to society" that
illegal aliens make in determining whether they get
to stay, and that the INS does listen to the comments
of other citizens.

So that, my friends, is what we have to do - today.
These eight people have made a significant
contribution to us. They have risked everything by
standing up for what they thought was right and
trying to improve the working conditions and
economic status of the AMERICANS who were their
co-workers. In other words, they did what WE should
be doing. When it comes to this -- that it takes a
group of poor Mexican immigrants to show us how to
do the virtually impossible by organizing a union for
minimum wage workers - well, I feel embarrassed,
ashamed, and damned determined to see that they
get to stay. They deserve our thanks, not deportation.
Our country is a better place because they are here.

Please e-mail INS chief Doris Meissner and her
boss, Attorney General Janet Reno at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell them you believe these
eight workers should be allowed to stay. You can all
call Doris Meissner at 202-514-1900 or fax her at
202-307-9911 (Reno can be called at 202-616-2777;
fax 202-514-5331).

Thank you for doing this. I know many of you are
busy today with Holy Thursday, Passover and the
upcoming Easter weekend.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by
turning around and extending our hand through the
door to America that our families got to go through.
Moses led one of the largest groups of illegals
through a desert after the state ordered the slaying of
every first-born male amongst the aliens.

Lets allow Rosa, Evertina, Reyna, Estella, Francilla,
Bulfrano, Norma, Bruna, and Amado to pass over,

Michael Moore

These individuals have not been allowed to work for
the past six months. If you would like to make a
contribution to help them personally, you may send a
check to:

Holy Rosary Solidarity Fund
2424 18th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

* 100% of your contributions will go directly to these

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