How much better if these computerniks would get their systems down before
they end up making extensive graphics and clogging up the original system
because they never defrag.   Perceptual aesthetics are the basic systems.
Emotion and intelligence is RAM.    The Professions are the programs and
what you are calling culture is the product.   If the basic systems are
inadaquate or down then the programs are limited and the product will be
garbage.    If the RAM is inadaquate then no matter how big the basic
computer is, it will always freeze.    Inadaquate RAM slows you down while a
poor basic system lacks depth and potential

Most of what is called culture today is garbage passing for the best that
they can imagine.   The culture of economists.    Sand dabs.  It will not
bode well for them in their future generations.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: [Futurework] interesting take on brands and branding

> This excerpt from futurist Andrew Zolli can be accessed in full
> at
> We're in a world now where companies are increasingly in the business of
> making culture as well as products. Where people use brands to construct
> their personal and social identities. Where the meaning of brands is
> appropriated and regurgitated, redistributed reconstituted, reconstructed,
> represented in a kind of semiotic back and forth that is so complicated
> we need new sciences like complexity science and semiotics to make sense
> what's actually going on.
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