*But*, again, the
documentary emphasizes, the NeoCons who govern do *not*
need to believe the myths they promulgate to the people.

>>>I think the record shows that most who govern don't necessarily believe the 
>>>myths they promulgate: this holds true for those on the "right" and those on 
>>>the "left."

>>>That's why (among other reasons) Lord Acton said that "power corrupts and 
>>>absolute power corrupts absolutely"


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad McCormick, Ed.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:53 PM
To: Cordell, Arthur: ECOM
Cc: Karen Watters Cole; futurework@fes.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Mobility vs Nobility

Cordell, Arthur: ECOM wrote:

> The problem, in short, may not be that reality is receding from the 
> national myth. The problem may be the myth.
> Beware to the nation that believes and acts on its myths not realizing 
> that they are just that: Myths.


Has there ever been such a country as you say [and I agree] would be 

The whole thesis of Freud's _Civilization and its Discontents_ is that 
there never
has been such a society and Freud thought there never would be one.  As 
I put it:
ethnicities are semiotic viruses, and their rapacity is unlimited.


But, to focus on the present: The BBC documentary _The Power of
Nightmares_ well describes the Platonic doctrine of the NeoCons that
a nation needs noble myths --> in which the people need to believe
because they are incapable of anything better and, if left to
themselves, they will otherwise just enjoy themselves.  *But*, again, the
documentary emphasizes, the NeoCons who govern do *not*
need to believe the myths they promulgate to the people.

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/ 

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