Hi Stephen,

Thanks for pointing this out.

I found eight sites carrying the Jessop story within the first few Google pages I tried, however in visiting these, I saw the same piece being redistributed. It could well be a hoax, and if so, my bad for not being enough of a skeptic about usually dependable sources. I did notice some inconsistencies in the piece, legal and medical, but the possible scare tactics of the medical pro's seemed believable enough, having known enough people who have been manipulated into unnecessary treatments of all types. The alleged outcome of the alleged court proceedings is credible enough, too. Certain judges do absolutely hate anti-establishment types, and react with unnecessary punishment; many judges are just plain old lunatics who manage to keep their bench seats against all odds.

Another aspect to this type of possible hoax is that the story could have been contrived in order to eventually benefit the allopaths following a hoax revelation. Pharma could have been upset by Abraham's Law going into effect, and sought to further discredit the alternative practitioners. Despite the fact that a quack watch group questions it, many quack watch groups are themselves questionable. The link you provided brought up several good points about the credibility of the story, but expectedly fell short on the recent research on cancer, for example. The link between cancer and virus is one that even allopaths have explored. The findings of such research vary, but the Jessop story mentioned the use of Hydrogen peroxide and fresh foods diet in Chad's cure treatments. I've read that increasing alkalinity within the system to 7.5 PH is enough to rid the system of bacteria and viruses (that would include cancer, according to the theory that cancers are also viruses). Eating only fresh/live organic vegetarian foods will raise alkalinity. Increasing alkalinity increases available oxygen. It is the acid-based diet that should be the first to go if a patient is diagnosed with ca.--if their doctor is at all concerned. As well, this same watch group lends credibility to alleged unfavorable photos of Chad's wound following natural treatment. If the whole story is a hoax, then why do they send this bit up?

Should the story's possible lack of credibility preclude a much larger discussion of issues around the suppressed natural cures and treatments industries? I apologize for failing the litmus test on credible stories, but I think there is a huge industry out there with a vast potential for viable future work. Pharma loves to dwell on these stories, but Pharma itself has the poorest track record for transparency, and unfortunately the greatest influence over government, media, and people's health options. Perhaps I should post all of the false claims of beneficial treatment the allopaths want us to believe in order to start up such a discussion?

I don't know about you, but I've lost friends to the allopathic cancer treatment programs--whose lives could have been, if not saved, at least greatly extended for simply never signing up for treatment. The last one I lost because they over-radiated her already diminishing cancer. You know the old adage: when doctors go on strike the death rate drops dramatically!

Here's the story I /should/ have posted, for which you will find countless credible links: http://lesliecarbone.blogspot.com/2007/02/abrahams-law.html

   Monday, February 05, 2007

     Abraham's Law

In August of 2005, Abraham Cherrix and his parents received the news that every family dreads. Fifteen-year-old Abraham was sick with Hodgkin's disease, a form of cancer. For the next several months, the Virginia teenager endured conventional chemotheraphy. By February, his cancer remained. His doctors then recommended a more aggressive therapy, consisting of a higher dosage of chemo, radiation, and stem cell treatment. If he endured this treatment and its miserable side effects, his odds of survival were placed at below 50 percent. Facing such odds, the young man and his parents decided to pursue an alternative "natural" remedy.

But the Virginia Department of Social Services would have none of it. With all the characteristic arrogance of petty bureaucrats, DSS sought to wrest control of Abraham's treatment. Abraham's parents faced neglect charges, losing custody of their sick son, and imprisonment, while Abraham was threatened with having to submit to the higher dosage of chemo. In what were likely to be his last month's of life, DSS sought to increase Abraham's sufferring while withholding from him the thoughtful care of his own parents.

On August 16, 2006, Accomack Circuit Court Judge Glen Tyler cleared Abraham's parents of all charges of medical neglect and allowed Abraham to pursue alternative treatment under a doctor of the family's choice. He is now receiving the treatment he and his parents prefer.

This horrific story of bureaucratic overreach spawned Abraham's Law <http://www.delmarvanow.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070203/NEWS01/702030310>, a bill that passed the Virginia Senate last week and would allow parents to refuse medical treatment under some conditions without facing neglect charges. A similar bill had already passed the House.

The Virginia legislature has done a good thing. But it's outrageous that a law is needed to protect parents' right to pursue the best treatment, in their judgment, for their sick children.

The legislature's next step should be a thorough-going purge of every DSS bureaucrat who presumes to worsen a family's nightmare.

Also: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/23/AR2007022301793.html <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/23/AR2007022301793.html> <https://www.governor.virginia.gov/MediaRelations/NewsReleases/viewRelease.cfm?id=358%20->https://www.governor.*virginia*.gov/ <https://www.governor.virginia.gov/MediaRelations/NewsReleases/viewRelease.cfm?id=358%20->MediaRelations/NewsReleases/viewRelease.cfm?id=358 - <https://www.governor.virginia.gov/MediaRelations/NewsReleases/viewRelease.cfm?id=358%20->

I'd love to know what you think about the future of both industries.
Natalia Kuzmyn

Stephen Markan wrote:
If you read the more recent comments this appears to be a hoax. The story does not appear through any other media sources (traditional or alternative) http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2007/11/an_update_on_cancer_boy.php
is an interesting deconstruction of the story...
On Nov 8, 2007 2:29 PM, Darryl or Natalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    A mother in California has been placed in solitary with a gag
    order slapped on her for defying the establishment and taking her
    now cured son for alternative holistic health care. Her son Chad
    was alleviated of melanoma after a five week alternative treatment
    program. Despite the fact that the wound has healed and new tests,
    including both a biopsy and blood work were performed by allopaths
    which resulted in negative findings, both Child Protective Social
    Services Dept. and a biased judge really have it out for these
    two. They insist that Chad undergo surgery and chemical treatments
    because the dissed G.P. (/not an oncologist/), whose lab first
    diagnosed the youth, insists that the cancer is merely hidden
    elsewhere, somewhere deep in his organs. There's a great deal more
    to the story, which brings to light the intense influence of
    Pharma upon the judicial system, government and the cancer
    treatment business. Meanwhile, a whole other potentially more
    vibrant industry, along with people's right for choice and
    healthier alternatives to invasive surgeries and deadly chemical
    cocktails, is either being suppressed or indirectly enforced upon
    patients by one of the deadliest industries out there.

    Chad is actually 17, and points out that he is old enough to fight
    for his country's freedom, but is still denied the right to make
    his own decisions relating to his own body. His mother would like
    to see an equivalent to Virginia's Abraham's Law brought to
    California, which would allow children who are capable of making
    informed decisions determine the course of their own healthcare.
    To be sure, Pharma will put up a big fuss before it's ever brought
    to a vote, but California, trend setting state for alternative
    medicine and organic foods, is likely to have a great deal of
    support for such a law or an expanded version of it.

    My guesstimate (not simply based on this one story, of course) is
    that alternative health treatments industries have the potential
    to outdo related Pharma industries, and that another vast job
    sector is just waiting to explode.

    Natalia Kuzmyn


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