> Where this is taking the US (and thus much of the rest of the World) 
> isn't yet clear, but there seems to be something (still small
> but not insignificant) of a ground swell for "bombing them with butter"...

This is an idea that some military strategists would agree with.

I have quoted Jack Boyd, the father of the theory of modern aerial
fighter combat tactics and a follower of Sun-Tzu: The first principle
of anti guerilla warfare is to offer the people a genuinely
better life than the enemy offers them.

But I think this needs to be applied at home, too: We need to
make sure that Americans have good prospects of life supporting
their government, so that they do not feel they should destroy
it, either in the belief that they can replace the
status quo with something better or because they feel they
have no hope.

I once heard a rumor that when IBM was going to
tell a bunch of people in East Fishkill that their
jobs were terminated, the company first called all
the local gun stores and asked them to close for the
rest of the day.  This is probably a false rumor,
but it makes an admonitory parable.

+\brad mccormick 

  Let your light so shine before men, 
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/

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