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They get the colors right.


----- Original Message -----
From: "pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:31 PM
Subject: FWk: Wampum

> I thought I'd better sort this out, as the name "dentalium" rang a bell,
> from Ed's post, and I'd been expecting Ray to correct or elaborate my
> comments, and his description of purple shells obviously didn't jibe with
> the west coast tubes. so, a quick web search on +dentalium +wampum
> turned up a bunch of hits, probably the most detailed being
> which reveals that the white dentalium tube shells from Vancouver Island
> were called "wampum" by european explorers in analogy to the wampum
> from the Algonquin Indians who made the beads from the very hard purple
> parts of an east coast clam shell, carving them as narrow cylinders
> with a hole down the long axis, an impressive feat prior to recourse
> to steel drills. Interesting to note that as the dentalium travelled
> as far as lake superior, european explorers would have seen concrete
> evidence of the pacific ocean very early on in their explorations, but
> wouldn't have realized the significance.       -PV

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