SAUDI ARABIA: Friend or Foe?

The Politics of Anger vs the Politics of Fear?

A Marriage of Convenience?  Headed for Divorce?

RS      YI
"RAY SUAREZ: Well, what's behind that turning away from longstanding
alliance? You mentioned the Defense Department, you mention leaks and
vitriol. It didn't come out of nowhere.  Where did it start?
YOUSSEF IBRAHIM: Well, of course it started with September 11. And of course
it started with the fact that we were attacked. And we were attacked by a
group of people headed by Osama bin Laden, and the majority of these people
in those planes were Saudi citizens. There is no denial of this.
Now, does this mean that the Saudi nation is our enemy? I mean, we have in
this country a lot of Christian fundamentalists, our attorney general is a
Christian fundamentalist, Ashcroft. They are against abortion, some of them
actually shoot and kill doctors in abortion clinics. Does this make all
Christian fundamentalists criminals? Does it mean we have to wage war
against all Christian fundamentalists?
I think we are losing the point here in this campaign that has gone, as they
say in Britain, a bit over the top. We need to discuss this issue
rationally. Is Saudi Arabia, who has been our ally with 60 years, who has
supplied us with oil, has kept the price of oil under control, who has
resisted the radicals in OPEC, who has purchased weapons with us, who has
given us 3,000 permissions when we conducted the war against Afghanistan to
fly over Saudi territories -- isn't really our enemy. "
Mr. Ibrahim later suggests that Osama bin Laden's attacks may be the
beginning of the end for Islamic fundamentalism, but it won't happen at the
end of an American gun...
This was an intelligent conversation.  If you follow the link, you might
also want to check out the Lee Hochberg story on Policing Immigration. -

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