I think we should keep in mind that the history of the rise and fall of the
Taliban in Afghanistan will also include the traditional tribal warfare in
this ancient society, regardless of who funded what in the last 25 years.
That does not mean that the US is not an accessory nor is Russia innocent. I
just don't think that it's an either-or proposition.  We can also blame the
gods of greed, ignorance and fear as they manipulated super powers
throughout the Cold War era and the Third World countries that played as
minor players while the tribal groups in the thick of it just sang their
traditional chorus in what might be another rewrite of ancient Greek
When the Spaniards introduced the horse to the new American continent, it
and gunpowder provided them the transportation to overtake the natives but
it also gifted the natives with new transportation to outrun their attackers
and counterattack.  Arguments that one detail unquestionably leads to a
final conclusion are unavailable to us in history and the social sciences,
even sometimes, I'm told, in mathematics. (fuzzy math).

Likewise, the conspiracy theories swirling around the WTC attacks are
maddening, polarizing and may never be completely proved one way or the
other - except that my faith in the voice of truth surviving through time is
strong.  For example, I was astounded to hear an otherwise well-educated and
extremely intelligent young man at work tell me he wasn't sure that anyone
actually landed on the moon, that it was an elaborate hoax; there are many
people who will never believe denials about Roswell or that Elvis is really
dead. The one that beats all, of course, is denying that the Holocaust truly
occurred.  I mean, don't you think after all these time, some one person at
the very least, involved in such a mass hoax would have succumbed to
notoriety if not financial greed for "letting the cat out of the bag",
telling the truth?

At some time in the future we will know more, but now to let the negative
unknowns overtake our positive energy to correct the conditions that
contributed to this tragic event is as unproductive as the Israelis and
Palestinians continuing to argue who is more to blame for their unending
cycle of violence or my rearranging the calendar to obliterate my last
birthday. As long as the philosophy does not reconcile with reality, real
people on both sides will continue to suffer.  Which brings us back to the
possibility that it will be fundamentalists vs modernists, as Arthur first
suggested, and I simply repeated.

I believe very much in cause and effect; however, history also shows that it
is possible to see past the failed, the condemned and the destructive. Let's
hope so.

Jan Matthieu wrote:
> Bullshit; In the days before 1973 both Soviets and Americans had their
> in trying to influence and funding parts of Afghanistan. So for example
> famous road from Herat via Kandahar to Kabul has been partly built with
> by Americans and partly by the Soviets. You can easily see what the
> built: there in places where overtaking is forbidden because of curves in
> the road in mountainous parts, they built a kind of low wall in the middle
> of the road, so, if you venture on the other side you can't get back,
> sometimes for a kilometer.

Now I understand:  The Taliban came to power because the Soviets had built
walls in the middle of the road.

I always thought the Taliban came to power because they were funded, trained
and armed by the US to chase out the Soviets.  It has pretty little to do
with roads with walls.

Btw, Al Qaeda also fought (and won) in Bosnia and Kosovo, on the US side.
Of course that was the Soviets' fault too...  those darn walled roads!

> > That, and a bad foreign policy advisor too.  ;-)
> Well, luckily you don't have to judge my performance.

True enough, your performance suits your paymasters.  How else could it be.
But that's okay...  as long as we know the bias.  ;-)


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