Karen, what you mention is interesting.
This reminds me of the current Italian mind in relation to the teaching of Opera.     In the 16th century in Florence a group of people known as the Camerata made up, much as this list is made up, of people from different disciplines who were discussing the nature of human expression i.e. Art at the time.    Out of that discussion of aesthetics and science, primarily Greek, the modern Art multi-media art form known as "Opera" emerged.    Opera simply means a "work" or product.     As the composers, stage designer (painters) instrumentalists and voice teachers began to construct this version of a multi-media work that they considered at the time to be Greek, no one figured that you could just be born to it.    They had to learn, so the educators developed a "method" of learning known as Bel Canto or "Beautiful Voice."     The method began in childhood in church choirs and continued through to the age of the twenties, with the men going a bit longer.   Either way, it took about twenty years to develop a singer of "Bel Canto" counting the lessons from the age of childhood through to the time when they went on stage.   Voice, music and chorus lessons were daily with the time being spent with the teacher about once a week while the rest of the time was spent with a repeteur or coach who repeats the scales perfectly.   This system developed the great Golden Era of singing that existed prior to the second world war in Europe and in the US.   At the turn of the 20th century it was said that you could experience all of the greatest performings arts of Europe in one city.    New York City where Bel Canto was at its height.   Bel Canto was learned but was grounded in the experience of the many cultures of the immigrants who came to New York City.  
Today it is different.    With the fashion of Wilson and others, Italians simply say you have it or you do not.   They even say that it "can't be taught".      A statement that is historically ignorant and intellectually indefensible.    But the one thing that is never mentioned is that this swing between Science vs. Perception,   Right Wing vs Left Wing,   Nature vs Nurture etc. is the same dumb swing of the pendulum that has been a part of Western thinking for the past 2000 years.    There are more than two sides and this repetitive movement from only two sides of a problem is as retarded as it is in individual mental health.   The West has been swinging from only two sides for so long that it can't even imagine a front and back to things much less 360 degrees.
Ray Evans Harrell  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: FW: Looking through the anthropology lens

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest: 

Three good reads about the interplay between genetics, nutrition, evolution, and the future.  The first attached file is from the current issue of Scientific American, discussing the role of food and nutrition in the evolution of the human species and the 2nd is from the LA Times weekend magazine about the new work Francis Crick, the scientist who discovered DNA, is doing. 


Brain Power: The Search for Origins

By Sandra Blakeslee, NYT, 11.05.02

Neuroscientists have found an evocative solution to a classic problem: which is more important in shaping the human brain, nature or nurture?


Their answer is complex.  The brain is not primarily the product of genes, they say, but neither is it simply the sum of one's experiences.  Rather, they say, each human brain is constructed of complex neural circuits that start taking shape before birth and continue to grow and change throughout life as genes and cells are influenced by environment, experience and culture.


There is widespread agreement that genes and environment interact in brain development, said Dr. Terrence J. Sejnowski, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute in San Diego, and a leading proponent of the new synthesis.  The new idea, he said, is that human cultures, which teach children what to believe and what to expect in life, interact with cell biology and molecular genetics to assemble the highly social human brain.


Though everyone's brain begins with "a basic scaffold of connectivity that is formed according to genetic blueprints," said Dr. Carla Shatz, a developmental neurobiologist at Harvard Medical School, "a baby's brain is not a miniature of the adult's, but rather is a dynamically changing structure."  Experience alters brain structure, chemistry and gene expression to sculpture immature neural circuits into adult circuitry, she said.


In short, the theory's advocates say, while the brain directs people's activities in everyday life, the activities themselves shape the brain throughout life.


"The attempt to separate genes and environment is a mistake," said Dr. Steven R. Quartz, a scientist at the California Institute of Technology.  "What makes us who we are is a complex interplay of early experiences, parenting, birth order, friends, genes and how these forces interact."  He and Dr. Sejnowski wrote "Liars, Lovers and Heroes," published last month, which outlines details of what they call cultural biology.


Another book making similar arguments, "The Origin of Minds," is to be published this month.  Its authors are Dr. Peggy La Cerra, a neuroscientist and president of a consulting firm in Ojai, Calif., and Roger Bingham of the Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of California at San Diego.


Scientists and philosophers have argued about the role of culture in shaping the brain for millenniums.  Plato and Artistotle argued over whether human traits like virtue were inborn or learned.  Darwin's ideas led many scholars to declare that human traits were inborn, with each racial group at a different level of evolution, a view that culminated in the unbridled eugenics of the Holocaust.


The backlash was an era of cultural relativism, which saw the newborn brain as a blank slate that evolution had no part in.


A new battle over human nature began in the 1970's, when Dr. Edward O. Wilson argued that human behavior, like that of other animals, was a product of the evolutionary pressures of natural selection.  Evolutionary psychologists adopted this argument, using it to explain everything from sexual differences in dating behavior to the appeal of potato chips.


The advocates of the new neurobiological view say it is time to look more closely at the evidence for evolutionary psychology's position.


"It's true you can't separate the question of who we are from the world our ancestors passed through on their way to becoming us," Dr. Sejnowski said.  But that evolution did not occur in the relatively stable savanna described by evolutionary psychologists, he said, but rather during a period of unusual, extreme and rapid oscillations in climate.  If the brain evolved any trait during the Pleistocene, he declared, it was flexibility.


While it is true that different brain regions tend to specialize in different functions, like language or face recognition, Dr. Sejnowski said, these areas are very changeable and not hard-wired modules.


Humans are born with temperaments arising from genetic variations in brain chemicals called neuromodulators, Dr. Quartz said.  These differences may lead one baby to avoid novelty and another to seek it.  But the experiences that result help construct the growing brain.


Humans are also born with a very large prefrontal cortex, a higher brain region involved in planning that taps into an ancient system for predicting what is rewarding and making decisions to maximize rewards and avoid punishments.


Neuroscientists are finding that this circuit, which fully matures in late adolescence, is an internal guidance system that fills each person's world with values, meaning and emotional tone, taking shape according to a person's culture.


In other words, culture contributes not just to the brain's contents but to its wiring as well, Dr. Quartz said.




Karen Watters Cole

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