> Now we learn that Bush's statement about
> Iraq trying to get uranium from Niger is
> technically correct, too!
>        Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, echoing Rice in an
>        appearance on ABC's ``This Week,'' said the statement
>        was ``technically correct'' because Bush noted the
>        source of the claim was Britain.
> http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Bush-Intelligence.html?hp

Well, not so easy. It can be argued that they *all*
prevaricate and lie. 

An alert contributor to what one person has called THE
WORLD'S BEST BLOG [more on this anon] parcels out the deceit
as follows: 

The Ministry of Truth 
Posted by Lambert 
[read: 13 July 2003]

An anonymous but alert reader points out that Tenet's
statement itself contains a lie. Let's compare what Bush
actually said to what Tenet says that Bush said:

*Bush* in the SOTU [State of the Union address]: 

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein
recently sought significant quantities of uranium from

*Tenet* in his statement: 

"... the text in the speech was factually correct - i.e.
that the British government report said that Iraq sought
uranium from Africa."

So, first, Tenet's own statement is a lie.  Bush did not say
the British "said"; Bush said the British "learned."  The
difference?  Consider:

I say to you: "He said 1 + 1 = 3."  No problem; I'm not
implying 1 + 1 = 3.

But then I say to you: "He learned 1 + 1 = 3."  A problem; I
*am* implying 1 + 1 = 3 (which you know, of course, is

So, the use of "learn" - which Tenet conceals through his
own lie - shows the intent to deceive.  By saying the
British "learned" of the Niger uranium, Bush implied that
this was true.  It was not true, and whoever crafted those
16 weasel words *knew* it was not true.  

So, who signed off on the speech? Whose responsibility was
it? What did he know and when did he know it? 

They even lie about their own lies! 

-Lambert 11:10 PM

[I'm not entirely convinced this is right. What did you
learn at school today? I learned that our leaders are the
best of men ... and we elect 'em again and again." Can't one
*learn* something false just because one can be *taught*
something false?? - SS]   


Stephen Straker 
Vancouver, B.C.   
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