Do y'all know about

I'm bringing it to your attention since its daily table of
contents strongly resembles the material + links we're
always sending to each other. 

Here, for example, are the first 9 items on this morning's
list - the active LINKS are **'d: 

15 July 2003 

Media Patrol 

**Arianna vs. Arnold?**  Calling the California recall
election a foregone conclusion, Alternet's Don Hazen writes
that there's "a huge opening for an independent candidate
who has resources, visibility and populist credentials...
That progressive candidate is Arianna Huffington." 

**Black Thursday**  "If President Bush is not reelected,"
writes David Broder, "we may look back on last Thursday,
July 10, 2003, as the day the shadow of defeat first crossed
his political horizon."

With the White House expected to project **off the chart**
deficits of **$400-plus billion** for this year and next,
the non-partisan deficit watchdog group, Concord Coalition,
issues a report calling the first six months of the 108th
Congress "the **most fiscally irresponsible** in recent
memory," with the crux of the problem being a "schizophrenic
pursuit of small government tax policies and big government
spending initiatives."

The Bush administration **doled out** $1.44 million to 470
political appointees in 2002, after lifting a 1994 Clinton
administration ban that was imposed following "questionable
payments" to some outgoing aides in the final days of George
H.W.  Bush's presidency.

Paul Krugman describes the bogus uranium claims as part of a
broad pattern of **politicized, corrupted intelligence,"**
and Nicholas Kristof writes that "What troubles me is not
that single episode, but the broader pattern of **dishonesty
and delusion."**

Kristof refers to a **memorandum** to President Bush from
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), that
fingers VP Dick Cheney in the Niger forgery flap and calls
on the president to ask for his resignation.

In late June, VIPS member and former CIA analyst Ray
McGovern, who regularly briefed VP George H.W. Bush and
other senior policy-makers during the 80s, said that
**Cheney's visits to the CIA were unprecedented:** "During
my 27-year career at the Central Intelligence Agency, no
vice president ever came to us for a working visit."

**Bush Didn't Know!** On Monday, the president said the
decision to go to war was made after he gave Saddam "a
chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them
in." An assertion that the Washington Post says, "appeared
to contradict the events leading up to war this spring:
Hussein had, in fact, admitted the inspectors and Bush had
opposed extending their work because he did not believe them

Josh Marshall on the newfound distinction that was drawn
between **'accurate' and 'true'** during Ari Fleischer's
final press briefing, and Michael Kinsley on the difference
between **'said' and 'learned.'**

[cut ...] 

They keep 1 week of active stuff on the page and previous
weeks and months are archived & easily acccessible. is the best straight politics [USA mainly] list I
know about. 

best wishes, 

Stephen Straker 
Vancouver, B.C.

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