Hi Keith (& all), 

Good "tutorial" on hydrogen. After reading it I wondered
whether Amory Lovins and/or the folks at Rocky Mountain
Institute <http://www.rmi.org> had anything to say about
hydrogen as fuel, about generating hydrogen, or about
bacterial generation of hydrogen in particular? 

The answers are yes, yes, no. I was surprised by the "no". 

BUT, Lovins has some material hot-off-the-press (2
September) about hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel-cell energy

I will pass on the references and a snippet to give the
flavour of a Lovins tutorial (which is almost as good as a
Hudson tutorial!). 

You can just go to the home page of Rocky Mountain Institute
<http://www.rmi.org> and poke around. There are various
links to different topics and a "keyword" Search option. 

Prominently displayed you will find a link to:
"Twenty Hydrogen Myths: This paper demystifies H2 energy,
debunks popular misconceptions, and proposes a profitable
path to the H2 economy..." which will connect you with: 
a modest & copyable PDF file (~180kB) offering a very
thorough and well-documented treatment. 

Here is an excerpt that fills in some details of issues to
which Keith refers: 


**(Myth #3.  Making hydrogen uses more energy than it
yields, so it's prohibitively inefficient.**

Any conversion from one form of energy to another consumes
more useful energy than it yields.  If it could do the
opposite, creating energy out of nothing, you could create a
perpetual-motion machine violating the laws of physics.  

Conversion losses are unavoidable; the issue is whether
they're worth incurring.  If they were intolerable as a
matter of principle, as Myth #3 implies, then we'd have to
stop making gasoline from crude oil (~73-91% efficient from
wellhead to retail pump) and electricity from fossil fuel
(~29-35% efficient from coal at the power plant to retail
meter).  Such conversion losses are thus not specific to
producing hydrogen.  

Hydrogen production is typically ~72-85% efficient in
natural-gas reformers or ~70-75% efficient in electrolyzers;
the rest is heat that may also be reusable.  (These
efficiency figures are all reduced by 15% because of the way
hydrogen's energy content is normally measured.)  

So why incur these losses to make hydrogen?  Because
hydrogen's greater end-use efficiency can more than offset
the conversion losses, much as an electric heat pump or air
conditioner can offset fuel-to-electricity conversion losses
by using one unit of electricity to concentrate and deliver
several units of heat.  That is, conversion losses and costs
are tolerable if the resulting form of energy is more
efficiently or conveniently usable than the original form,
hence justified by its greater economic value.  Making
hydrogen can readily achieve this goal.

Crude oil can be more efficiently converted into delivered
gasoline than can natural gas into delivered hydrogen.  But
that's a red herring: the difference is far more than offset
by the hydrogen's 2-3-fold higher efficiency in running a
fuel-cell car than gasoline's in running an engine-driven

Using Japanese round numbers from Toyota, 88% of oil at the
wellhead ends up as gasoline in your tank, and then 16% of
that gasoline energy reaches the wheels of your typical
modern car, so the well-to-wheels efficiency is 14%.  
A gasoline-fueled hybrid-electric car like the 2002 Toyota
Prius nearly doubles the gasoline-to-wheels efficiency from
16% to 30% and the overall well-to-wheels efficiency from
14% to 26%.  

But locally reforming natural gas can deliver 70% of the
gas's wellhead energy into the car's compressed-hydrogen
tank.  That "meager" conversion efficiency is then more than
offset by an advanced fuel-cell drive system's superior 60%
efficiency in converting that hydrogen energy into traction,
for an overall well-to-wheels efficiency of 42%.  That's
three times higher than the normal gasoline-engine car's, or
1.5 times higher than the gasoline-hybrid-electric car's.  

This helps explain why most automakers see today's
gasoline-hybrid cars as a stepping-stone to their ultimate
goal - direct-hydrogen fuel-cell cars.

[all notes deleted - SS] 

[Copyright © 2003 Rocky Mountain Institute.  All rights
reserved.  www.rmi.org]  

"Twenty Hydrogen Myths" (#E03-05) by Amory B. Lovins, CEO,
Rocky Mountain Institute (20 June 2003, corrected and
updated 02 September 2003), pp. 10-11 
[PDF doc] 


A digest version of "Twenty Hydrogen Myths" is available as
an HTML file:

"Amory B. Lovins's Hydrogen Primer: A Few Basics About

KEITH - You're a certified chemical engineer [:)]. I think
it would be interesting to send your tutorial on the
bacterial generation of hydrogen off to Lovins and see what
he and the folks at RMI have to say. You might get invited
out to Snowmass, CO for a briefing/debriefing!

best wishes, 

Stephen Straker 

Vancouver, B.C.   
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