Following Brian's posting from Greider's The Soul of Capitalism, I thought
some of you might be interested in this broadcast notice.
Have we already discussed Louis Kelso's work on ESOPs?
A QUESTION OF FAIRNESS: A NOW with Bill Moyers Special Edition
Friday, November 21, 2003 at 9pm on PBS - (Check local listings at


On Friday, November 21, 2003, A QUESTION OF FAIRNESS, a special edition of
NOW WITH BILL MOYERS, analyzes how the politics of the privileged is
jeopardizing America's economic future. The program traces the roots of the
growing economic inequality in the U.S. and illustrates the sometimes
forgotten human toll of government policies that favor corporations over
individuals through three compelling stories.

First, NOW examines NAFTA's role in the impending extinction of a cherished
American way of life in the story of a once-thriving Pennsylvania mill town
and the hardworking residents plunged into the desperate ranks of the
working poor in WINNERS AND LOSERS.

Then, NOW reports on the tangible human costs of financial deregulation laws
passed in the late 1990s by corporate-friendly politicians and the WorldCom
collapse that stole the future away from so many individual investors in

Finally, NOW tells the tale of the best intentions derailed by corporate
greed in a profile of a Republican governor's thwarted bid to reform the
nation's most regressive tax system and level the playing field for
Alabama's poor in TAX JUSTICE.

"Essential to the soul of democracy is the question of fairness. Absolute
equality is impossible, but can a country with great extremes between rich
and poor be fair?  This is an extraordinarily complicated story, and in this
hour we analyze some of the examples of how real people are affected when
the see-saw of economics tilts so far in one direction," says Bill Moyers.
"We live in a political economy, and viewers of this report will see how
what happens to America on the economic front can often be traced through
what happens out of sight, behind a closed door in some political corridor
of power."

NOW WITH BILL MOYERS continues online at (  Log on
to the site to for information on executive pay in relation to the average
worker; for updates on the WorldCom scandal; for a job re-training resource
map; for an evaluation of the state of American unions; for a comparison of
an average family's tax rate to 10 of America's corporations; and more.

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