On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, "Brad McCormick, Ed.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Or would translating into "modern language" remove much of the magic of 
>> Shakespeare, much like translating Catholic mass from latin to english 
>> or moving the Hebrew prayers into english.  Seems to make it too 
>> accessible, too plain.  Maybe too transparent.
>Isn't the problem with semantically decoding Shakespeare's
>sentences to some extent the spelling?  Isn't it easier
>to understand when one actually watches the play?

The common wisdom among writers is that Shakespeare has been rewritten
into modern vernacular uncountable times, under the standard policy
of "steal from the best". I've even seen the plunder of Shakespeare
for plotlines casually recommended by writers being interviewed
when asked for advice for young people hoping to break into the field -
more than once!


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